Caligher came tothisdesk to buy manacles. The person behind the counter knew him by name. Maybe this was where he’d purchased that scary e-stim harness. Her blood simmered with too much feeling. Every glance, every word, every shift in movement, inflamed her.
This was foreplay.
“What’s wrong, Lucca, you don’t like my gift?” he asked, narrowing in on her displeasure.
“This obviously isn’t a gift. This isn’tright,Caligher.”
He laughed. God help her; that laugh sounded fucking evil. Holding her wrist in hand, he twisted to the merchant just as he reappeared.
“It’s perfect,” he said with palpable mirth. “I want a whole set.”
A futuristic establishment wrapped around the inner curve of the asteroid, taking up the bottom level. Ternetzi patrons packed together in tight clusters. Every color on the spectrum flickered and danced.
Voices filtered through Lucca’s translator, forming jumbled translations. The words that didn’t come through in English came through as something else. Their language. She simultaneously did and did not recognize the words.
Caligher pulled her through the pulsing crowd. So many eyes pivoted her way, taking her in with a mixture of expressions, but no one attacked, so she counted it as a small victory.
She felt the cuffs beneath her clothing, circling her wrists and ankles. It felt like all those staring patrons knew she was wearing them. Her breasts spiked beneath her suit, sensitive against fabric as a heavy arousal pooled in her stomach. All while her mind banged out alarms.
“You have to take them off,” she huffed. She’d spent the last several minutes trying to convince him to do so but he was unrepentant.
“Pretty sure it doesn’t matter how offensive you find it,” he murmured, looking for a way around a group that blocked their path. “You’re mine. If I want you to wear manacles, you’ll wear them.”
His eyes weren’t even on her and she found that so…presumptuous.
“You can’t make me stay with you,” she insisted. Never mind what he was physically capable of. Never mind that he very muchcould. He couldn’t. “I’m not going to stay your prisoner if I don’t want to be.”
Amusement exploded on his face. “That’s not how being a prisoner works.” He pulled them into a line for the bar. Well, it wasn’t a line. It was more of a mob. If not for Caligher hovering protectively around her, she would’ve been crushed to death.
“You can’t force me to live with you,” she insisted. He didn’t hear it the first time, as her voice was muffled in the crowd, so she raised it and repeated her words.
His eyes moved over her face. Briefly, he went completely still.
Oh, she didn’t like when he did that.
It was unnerving.
“I’m still miffed about you keeping secrets from me,” he said, resuming his breathing and natural movement.
“Really?” They hadn’t spoken about it since, well… since she went down on him. Her cheeks burned when she thought about it again. “But you just said…” She shook one of the manacles at him, watching his pupils dilate and follow the shiny movement. “You’re upset about everything but you think we’re together?”
“Mh,” he confirmed.
“It’s just full steam ahead with you, huh?”
“Do you like the sparkling stuff?” he asked.
They’d approached the bar.
“Carbonation? Sure. Yeah. A double, please for the love of god order me a double.”
His head cocked rather adorably. “Double the carbonation?”