Page 34 of Shellshock

She spread it open on the bed. The main section would fit around her waist and hips. More straps ran perpendicularly down and around her thighs—and one belonged straight in between. A growing awareness formed in her body as she imagined wearing the thing.

“So… what were you intending with this gift?” she asked. Despite her attempt to sound calm and collected, her voice betrayed the effect that had already come over her.

“It’s remote-controlled. If you put it on, I’ll be able to make it dothis.” At his word, a blue, crackling static danced along the harness. It was electrified. A certain dizziness swept over her.

He clarified, “This is an invitation. You can say no, and I’ll never bring it up again.”

She swallowed hard.

“Or… you could invite me on your ship and let us burn off this frustration in person,” he said. She took a breath to brace herself. “But this is the middle ground. We can have each other this way.”

She couldn’t form words around the knot lodged in her throat. She stared for a prolonged moment at the BDSM-looking harness while the area between her legs turned… wet and achy. An illicit pulse started thrumming in her clit, siphoning precious blood away from her brain.

She was playing with fire.

But if she ended up telling Caligher the truth, there was a chance they would never have this. A very likely, very depressing chance that he would hate her forever.

“How do I do this?” she quietly asked.

“If you’re wearing clothes, first, you take them off.”

She dimmed the lights to a gentle, purple glow lining the floor. Her hands shook as she stripped, aware that he was listening. His presence was almost whispering up her spine, seizing her as he did in dreams. Within seconds, her jumpsuit was tossed over a chair. Air circulated through the narrow cabin, hardening her nipples to shriveled spikes. Despite the chill, she was sweating.

Letting him on her ship would have been superior. A part of her was dangerously close to inviting him, but the fear of what he might do churned viciously in her stomach.

No… lower.

Her fear of him was turning her on.

Wow, Lucca. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Slowly, she worked out how to equip the harness. There was a single, decisive whoosh on the intercom, and the sound of him sitting on his bed.

“How high is your pain tolerance?” he suddenly asked. The timing of his question made her legs buckle. She steadied a hand on her comforter to stop herself from collapsing. “Personal question, but is your carapace compromised at all?”

Right… so, reality check. This device might kill me.

“I don’t think I can handle what you can take,” she said. Her neck prickled with perspiration and she rubbed it distractedly, causing a new itch to pop up randomly in her body. “I’m… pretty sensitive.”

“I’ll turn it to its lowest level,” he said.

Her heart fluttered wildly. Maybe this was stupid—but she was going to find out for herself. If she got shocked to death in a sexual act, honestly, that was a best-case scenario for her.

A nervous giggle escaped as she tightened it around her waist and legs. Snug like bondage. Comfortable. It hugged her ass and dug between her thighs. With every adjustment, the dull thrumming in her pussy grew.

There. Harness secured.

Now she was one giant heartbeat.

“You can stop this at any moment,” he informed her. At least he knew the importance of consent, but she realized she might not mind if he crossed a few boundaries. “Tell me to stop or open the straps yourself to break the circuit.”


She’d dug her grave. Now she was going to climb right into it.

“What? I mean it, Lucca. You can put an end to it if it goes too far.”

“I won’t want to.”