Page 125 of Shellshock

“Really?” He remained amused. “A lot of good that’ll do while you’re in there. What about sex? Is that off-limits? You should tell me now before I get my hopes up.”

Her mouth dropped open. She snapped it shut and shot a calculating glance toward the middle cell.

“Thinking of teaming up with the pirate?” Caligher asked.

She crossed her arms, staring at him coldly.

“Good luck with that.” His grin only deepened. “If you do get out, let me know—”

“That’s literally the last thing I’ll do, Cal. You don’t wannaknowwhat I’ll do when I get my hands on you.”

He laughed heartily, violet gaze pointing to the bento box. “Eat your meal.”

“Let me out! I don’t want to be in here.” When he fixed her with the same unwavering look, she added, “I don’t like this. Not this time.”

It was true. Something felt off about the situation, and she couldn’t put her finger onwhat.

But he wouldn’t let her out, and she was afraid to ask how far he was willing to carry this decision because it was already too far. Things had flipped from play to real in the blink of an eye. The rules he’d broken forced her to question their relationship.

And the worst thing was that her stupid heart insisted that she still belonged with him. She had no control over the organ in her chest and she had no control over him.

After he left, Astyanax interrupted the murky feed of her thoughts.

“You’re in love with him?” She could hear the judgment in his tone.

“Eat a dick.”

“He’s not a good person,” said the pirate.

“Neither are you,” she said.

Neither was she. Not always.

The pirate fell silent and thoughtful. She could sense his anger. After a while, he said, “He’s going to get us killed.”

* * *

A routine settled over them. At least it was consistent.

Caligher appeared at mealtime, whenever he was bored and wanted to gloat, or when he was simply lonely. He couldn’t go too long without coming to check on her.

She tried to make him see reason. He was beyond it.

Sometimes when Caligher was gone, the pirate grew talkative. His speech had a flat affect, but after a few days, she came to realize that he wasn’t emotionless. Astyanax grew quietly impassioned when he spoke about the things that were close to his heart.

Caligher came down the steps to the dungeon, silencing the pirate’s latest verbal info dump. This time she got on her knees and met his eyes with a forlorn stare of her own. She wasn’t above bribes, promises, or sexual favors.

“Caligher,” she said, heart picking up in pace as his eyes flickered over her with interest. “Please let me out.”

“I don’t know, Lucca.” His voice was a dark rumble.

“I’m going crazy in here. You can… cuff me somewhere else. Your bed?” Her eyes glided over his pelvis. “Somewhere else? I don’t care as long as you let me out.” She met his stare again.

Jumping to her feet, she teemed with nervous energy while he wordlessly unlatched the door and slid it open. She was afraid to move too fast, afraid she’d ruin this chance.

“Just for the day,” he said, looking at her sternly before stepping aside.

Swallowing thickly, she nodded. Temporary freedom awaited, but it almost spooked her, how large everything was.