“Say it, you little worm,” I ordered him in my most scornful voice. “Say,Yes, Mistress.”
“Yes, Mistress,” he mumbled.
I could get used to this, I thought, pushing down into my chest the mirth that threatened to rise into an open laugh.
Then my master turned the jollity into anxiety—a little creeping fear that perhaps I had gone too far.
“You may go, Pyotr,” he said. “Your mistress and I have a good deal to discuss.”
His voice seemed to have a note of displeasure that I couldn’t help thinking wasn’t directed entirely at the butler. When Pyotr’s steps had receded down the hallway, I looked up into Ivan’s face and found it stern. I bit my lip hard and felt my expression crease into a pout of worry and apology.
Ivan looked at themilites. “You may go,” he said, his voice impassive. “We can take it from here.”
I looked over my shoulder at the two hooded men, feeling ever so slightly unsafe for the first time since the wall of Belkonov’s dungeon had collapsed. One of themilitesspoke in Russian.
“Helena says she’ll make contact with Heather soon. The drones are in place. Belkonov’s allies took the bait, according to surveillance—they came to look at the fire and the Guard’s rolling them up now.”
I breathed a little easier. The Guard’s drones, kept out until now by Ivan’s security measures, meant that I would have eyes on me at all times, ready to assist with the maintenance of the bold move we had made.
Also,a frightened but terribly excited voice said in my head,they’ll keep Ivan from getting carried away with the birch, maybe?
But my special forces warriors had left, and my master was looking down at me in my fur coat as if he intended to peel my luxurious hide and eat me—or at least teach me not to think of myself asMistresswhen my master was present.
He didn’t say anything: he reached out his hand and took mine in it, and led me away to his bedroom, the enormous chamber with the massive four-poster bed that looked straight out of a Russian fairytale.
Ivan closed the door behind us, and locked it. By the time he turned back to me, I had fallen to my knees.
“The wand is in my pocket,Gospodin,” I told him, my voice quavering a little. I wondered how I could possibly have thought of myself as a mistress, though five minutes hadn’t passed since the odious Pyotr had called me that.
“Do I need the wand, Heather?” he asked me, his voice very soft.
I lowered my eyes to his shiny black shoe tops.
“Take off that coat,” he said.
I shook my head, not sure what the refusal even referred to—or if it even meant anything at all. At the same time, though, I shrugged the fur coat from my shoulders so that I knelt on the thick Persian carpet, naked in front of the man who still owned me, who would always own me.
“I’m going to whip you very hard, girl,” he said, his voice brutal, but also thick with desire. “Despite your new position as my partner—because of it, really—you need to learn your true place.”
I felt my forehead crease hard with shame and need. A little sob rose from my throat with my words of compliance.
“Yes,Gospodin,” I whispered.
“Look at me, slut,” he said.
I gave another sob as I raised my eyes. The mistress part of me that lingered ever so faintly in my mind resisted, but the resistance made the need surge even more urgently between my thighs, at the degrading word and the cruel tone.
Ivan’s face seemed to glow. I had expected a harsh expression, a look full of menace. Instead I saw eyes filled with love. When he spoke again, the edge had departed from his words.
“You may think,” he said, his soft voice taking away much of the threat in his meaning, “that you can call yourselfmistressin my house as often as you want, because from now on your submission will take place behind closed doors. I want to assure you that if you want your sweet bottom to be a place you can rest comfortably on, you’re very much mistaken.”
“Yes,Gospodin,” I said softly. I had my hands at my sides and I started to worry I might forget myself and try to touch my pussy, so forcefully did Ivan’s words arouse me there.
“So I’m going to whip you very hard for all the liberties you’ve taken so far.”
I swallowed very hard.
“Yes,Gospodin,” I breathed, scarcely able to keep my eyes locked with his. My whole body had started to tremble.