Page 42 of Bound

Lucky guess. Well, telling her would bring Cara one step closer to full disclosure. “There was an informal reception when we first got to the Citadel. All the finalists were there and I really clicked with one of the teams. But when the examination began, they didn’t try to keep the others from touching me. In fact, the controller was the worst of all of them. It felt like a betrayal.”

“You are hurt and angry, and yet you can’t stop thinking about them?” Flora studied her silently for a moment, then asked, “What are their names?”

“I don’t want to see them again.” She wasn’t going to spill completely until she determined whether or not Flora’s mates could be trusted. “The controller is an arrogant jerk.”

“I just want to ask Draven if he knows them. Draven grew up at the Citadel. He knows everyone.”

Cara hesitated. It might be interesting to get an objective perspective. Her instincts told her she could trust Merrik and Tov, but it would be really nice to have some reinforcement. “The controller’s name is Tovastine Nee. The others called him Tov. The source was Merrik something. I’m sorry, I don’t remember.” Flora and her mates could easily figure it out.

“Let me find out more about them. Clearly, there is some sort of connection between you. Let me see if they’re worth a second look.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Cara fought back a triumphant smile. “As long as looking is all they do.”

Flora just smiled. She crossed to the door, but Cara stopped her before she could leave.

“How long did it take you to choose?”

“I wasn’t given a choice,” Flora said over her shoulder. “I was claimed moments after the spaceship left Earth.”

Cara felt her jaw drop. “Then how can you possibly be so calm, so well adjusted?”

“Call it luck or fate, destiny. All I know is I love my mates with all my heart and feel as if we have been together forever.”

Shocked by her cousin’s confession, Cara stared at the doorway long after Flora had gone. Was it possible that she had found the same sort of connection? From the very beginning she’d been drawn to Tov and Merrik. Their dossiers intrigued her and their willingness to act when others offered excuses revealed a depth of character she hadn’t expected. She didn’t want to tip her hand too soon, but one thing was already settled. If she had no choice but to join a power triad, she would be forming that unit with Merrik and Tov.

* * *

Merrik read, then reread, the message Tov just sent to his comm queue. The meaning was obscure, likely some sort of code, and the fictitious name meant nothing to Merrik. “Care to explain?”

Tov’s lips curved into an almost-smile. They loitered in the living room of Tov’s house. They had spent a lot of time here in the two weeks since their courtship with Cara had been rudely interrupted. They were waiting for Flora and her mates to accept the bonding contract they had submitted, so they didn’t dare leave the planet. They were both restless and irritable. And the only thing that would improve their mood was to be reunited with their mate.

“Ayjetor is the fire-breathing monster from Sarlian mythology that brings about the end of all worlds,” Tov reminded.

“I’m aware,” Merrik muttered impatiently. “Why is Ayjetor sending you cryptic messages?”

“It is also the codename Laidon Feran used at the academy.”

“What does Laidon want after all these years? Have you two even spoken since the war broke out?” Merrik couldn’t help feeling leery of the sudden interest. Word of the rescued conduits had spread quickly, especially after Flora’s exceptional performance during recent missions. Was it possible that Laidon was attempting to get his hands on Cara or Raina?

“The message doesn’t explain,” Tov admitted. “It just asks me to meet him at one of the taverns we used to frequent in our youth. It’s here on Altor so it would take less than an hour by shuttle.”

“He probably wants money,” Merrik decided. “The rebellion has suffered several costly setbacks in recent months.”

Tov shrugged. “I am not sure I would mind if that is his purpose. Someone needs to overthrow Jevara. Why not Laidon? It has been years since we interacted, but Laidon was impressive when I knew him.”

Merrik considered the issue for a moment in silence. The Torretian emperor was a tyrant. No one could argue that point. But was an armed insurrection the answer to such corruption, or would Torret simply exchange one tyrant for another? Tov was a good judge of character. His empathic abilities made it nearly impossible for others to lie to him. Still, Merrik preferred to make up his own mind about trustworthiness.

“Thanks to Noratu, I have no plans for the evening.” Merrik sounded more accepting than he felt. Usually if something felt like a setup, it was. Tov seemed determined to reignite his old friendship, so Merrik would ensure Tov’s safety.

“The message doesn’t give a specific time.” Tov rubbed his chin as he considered their options. “Let’s go enjoy a drink or two and see if he shows up.”

Merrik nodded. They could use a distraction.

They walked outside and boarded the short-range shuttle. It was small and maneuverable, perfect for urban settings. Merrik was a better pilot, but Tov preferred to remain in control. Not surprising given his basic nature.

The bar was in the heart of Hanoto, the sprawling metropolis on Tepio B. Most considered the city the Altorian capital. As they reached the outskirts, Merrik couldn’t help wondering what Cara was doing. Their mind link was still active, but her emotions were banked, present yet muffled. They shared dreams nearly every night, but that wasn’t the same as being with her. He missed his mate terribly, and knew Tov did too.

They’d had no choice but to release her—temporarily. Holding a conduit against the will of her parents or guardians was a serious crime. Still, they would not let her go without a fight. Cara assured them that no other males were allowed near her. Flora thought it best if she focused on training for a while. Merrik didn’t disagree, but the separation was torture.