Page 3 of Bound

Cara didn’t bother telling him that she could understand him. It was more than likely that her prospective mates would feel the same way, so she better figure out what she was going to do about it.

Tense silence descended as they continued on toward the Citadel. Her parents hadn’t given her much of an idea what to expect. She knew they had narrowed her choices down to three teams, each containing a source and a controller, but they had not told her which teams they had selected.

The Citadel came into view a few minutes later and Cara sucked in a deep, shaky breath. She felt restless and agitated, wanting to be anywhere but where they were going. “If I don’t like any of these guys, will you start the process over?”

Grinnel started to respond, but Lezod cut her off with an upraised hand. “If you do not like any of these males, you will like the others even less. These teams are the very best, the most powerful and accomplished. Any of them would be capable of protecting and providing for you, and that is all that matters.”

“You can’t force me to marry someone.”Can you?The final question echoed in her mind. This wasn’t America. Arranged marriages might be the norm on Altor. Her research hadn’t contained a lot of specifics about how triads were formed.

“‘Marry’ is a human term. Contracts for the services of a conduit are negotiated by her parents. The conduit’s approval is not necessary. Your cousin Flora was bound by such a contract. You were contracted also, but your betrothed mates chose to claim another female because they believed you were dead.”

“What about Raina?” She was almost afraid to ask. “Is she bound by a contract?”

“I would be shocked if that family had been able to attract a top-level team.”

His voice took on a condescending coldness that made Cara ask, “Why is that?”

Grinnel shot him a warning look and Lezod smirked. “We do not socialize with the Borak family. That is all I will say on the subject.”

His evasion required no explanation. She could read between the lines. Her parents were rich, like billionaire rich. Their sprawling estate and elaborate mansion made that much obvious. Apparently, Lezod considered the Borak family beneath him. She shifted her attention to Grinnel. “Isn’t Raina’s mother your sister? Are you too good to ‘socialize’ with your own flesh and blood?”

“I will always love Settari, but her choice in mates was… unfortunate.”

Cara didn’t even know how to address such snobbery, so she just shook her head and looked out the viewport. The Citadel loomed before them, the shape strangely familiar. The top section spiraled into three wide, rotating rings. Docking and loading bays dotted the smaller ring at the bottom of the structure. Suddenly she realized where she had seen the shape before. “My grandmother has a Christmas ornament that is shaped just like that.”

“Each trainee is given a miniature of the Citadel when they complete their studies,” Grinnel explained. “Odd that Iris wanted to commemorate an institution she claims to despise.”

Most of Cara’s interaction had been with Grinnel or staff members. She was finding Lezod’s personality abrasive. Rather than responding to his attitude, she looked at Grinnel. “What happens when we get there? Is this like speed dating or will we interview each team separately?”

“It is more accurate to say that they will be interviewing you,” Lezod answered for his mate. “These teams have applied to be considered for the power triad program, but they must officially submit an offer for you. At that point, I will approve, reject, or make a counter offer.”

Hewould make the decision, not her. Was this a hint of things to come? If all Altorian males were this sanctimonious, she was doomed. Then a thought occurred to her. If no one had offered for her yet, maybe she could behave so badly that no one would. Before she traveled down that road, she needed more information. “What happens if all three teams decide that I’m more trouble than I’m worth?”

Lezod rolled his eyes and sneered in Altorian, “She will be face down over someone’s lap before we make it to our room.”

“What the hell does that mean?” she demanded without thinking about the fact that she wasn’t supposed to understand Altorian.

His head whipped around toward his mate. “When was she injected with translation nanites?”

“This morning, dear,” Grinnel admitted with a smile. “Ephrod Laeth insisted that she be the one to conform to his needs, not the other way around.”

Lezod chuckled. “Sounds like Ephrod.”

And that was one strike against Ephrod before she even set eyes on him. Not a good start.

They were cleared for approach a short time later and Cara tried to calm herself as the transport maneuvered into a landing bay. Her pulse raced and her mouth went dry. She suddenly had a very bad feeling about this.

“Come,” Lezod ordered as he moved toward the front of the small ship. The cockpit was enclosed, so Cara had never seen the pilot, but the rest was one open space. “We are late. They are waiting for you.”

Refusing now served no purpose. They would simply drag her there kicking and screaming, which would likely amuse her prospective mates. She decided to conduct herself as if she deserved respect, hoping that at least one of the teams would respond accordingly.

She climbed down from the transport and smoothed her too-short skirt into place before crossed the landing bay. Everything seemed cramped and dingy. Everyone spoke of the Citadel with such reverence. She’d expected something more impressive. She emerged into the corridor and her feet refused to move. The long, narrow corridor with its exposed utilities and rust-stained joints gave her a profound sense of déjà vu. “I’ve been here before,” she muttered as her steps began to drag. This was where she had been moved from one ship to another on her way to Altor. She reached out and touched Grinnel’s arm. “Is Flora at the Citadel?”

“Yes, dear,” she admitted without breaking stride.

“What about Raina? Is she here too?”

“Raina is with her parents and will remain there until her mates are chosen and her training begins,” Grinnel explained in the same casual tone.