Page 71 of Bound

“Fine,” she snarled. “I’ll walk.”

They lowered her until her feet barely touched the floor, but they watched her much more closely as they continued down the corridor.

“How can you work for him? What if I was your mate or your sister?”

“He has fucked my sister and I don’t have a mate.” Fury flashed through the guard’s dark eyes as he spoke the words. “We are all his playthings. There is no help for it. You must endure.”

“That’s ridiculous.” She pulled against their hold, but they dragged her along with effortless ease. “There are those who want to help you, are eager to help. All you have to do is ask.”

“Then ask them to save you from his cock because it will be up your ass before this night is through,” he sneered at her. “Now, shut the fuck up and walk!”

They reached another double door, this one less decorated than the other had been. The hateful guard pounded with his fist, but neither entered with her. Apparently, they weren’t allowed inside the women’s quarters.

Heart thundering, Cara searched the sea of curious faces for the two she had been shown on the ship.Come on, come on.She did not want to spend another moment inside this horrible place. Shalia had long, bluish-black hair and lavender eyes. Anias’ hair was golden brown and her eyes were light blue.

Shalia shoved her way through the crowd and hurried toward Cara, dragging Anias along behind her. Shalia was even more beautiful than her image, but gray smudges shadowed her eyes and Cara couldn’t miss the haunted look in their strange purple depths. Anias just looked terrified.

Even before they reached her, Cara sent the signal to Laidon. Shalia and Anias wrapped their arms around her, but nothing happened. Cara sent the signal again, slapping the subdermal trigger repeatedly like the button on an elevator.

“The shields are still up,” Shalia confirmed Cara’s deepest fears.

“Then we fight.”

Shalia nodded as she shifted position, putting Anias behind her.

There were two burly guards blocking the doorway, but it didn’t look like they were armed. Why wouldn’t they have guns? Did they value females so little?

Shalia read her expression and said, “They’re afraid we’ll swarm the guards and take their weapons.”

That just made her job easier. Cara drew energy into the conduit, feeling lost without access to her mates. Suddenly, more energy flowed into her being, vibrant, potent energy. Source energy. Not pausing to analyze the phenomenon, she pelted the guards with sparks of fire, enough to sting and make them flail without catching them on fire.

“Get away from the door or I’ll torch you,” she shouted.

“Sure you will,” the bigger of the two scoffed.

She manifested a condensed ball of fire and pitched it just above his head. “Next one hits you center mass.”

He scurried to one side while his partner did the same.

That was easy. Maybe too easy.

Dismissing the thought, Cara heaved open the door and they ran out into the corridor. She paused, signaling Laidon one last time. It was a long shot, and it didn’t work.

“We’re screwed,” she admitted.

Shalia nodded, then turned and ran down the hallway to their left. Was that the way she’d come? Cara had been too busy arguing with the guards to notice. At that point she’d expected to leave via molecular teleportation.

“Do you know where you’re going?” she called out, fighting hard just to keep up. Shalia was fast, fast and motivated.

“Are your mates still in with Jevara? You are clearly a bonded conduit.”

Smart woman. “Yes, and yes.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere near him,” Anias cried, tugging free of Shalia’s hold.

“Your brother is there too,” Cara told her before the frightened girl could bolt. “Don’t you want to see Cylex?”

Tears streamed down her cheeks, but Anias kept pace from that point on.