Page 48 of Bound

“Relax,” Zevon urged. “They were never in any danger. We have monitored every move he made, every message he sent.”

Cylex clasped his hands behind his back and his features hardened into an expressionless mask. “What will become of me now?”

“Draven knew you were hiding something the first time he saw you. He suspected you were working for Jevara, but he also thought you were a great candidate for recruitment. Was he right?”

“This is why I was assigned to Raina and Cara,” Cylex was obviously piecing it all together. “You wanted to see if I would pass on what I learned.”

“Yes,” Zevon admitted. “You learned all sorts of things that Jevara could have used, but you chose not to tell him any of it. Why?”

“I work for Jevara out of necessity and because he has threatened those I love. The threats have escalated drastically, and now one of my sisters is in imminent danger. She is the reason I am here. If you will allow me to mount a rescue mission, I will tell you everything I know. After seven years in Jevara’s service, I know a lot.”

Zevon unfolded his arms and moved behind his desk. “Everyone has information they want to sell today.” His eyes narrowed as he sat down. He glanced at Cylex then shifted his gaze back to Tov. “Is your rebel friend nearby?”

“He is within streaming range.”

“Have a seat.” He motioned to the chairs in front of his desk. “I would like to question them simultaneously. By comparing their information, I should be able to establish the validity of each claim. The information will only match if it is factual, or if they are in league. But that is highly unlikely.”

“It’s a good idea,” Tov agreed. He had considered Laidon a friend at the academy, but it had been years since they interacted, even casually. It would be nice to feel more secure in the renewed friendship. Besides, if they were going to mount a rescue mission for Cylex’s sister, they might as well rescue Laidon’s friend too.

Activating the control matrix in his desktop, Zevon pushed his hand into the holo-grid and launched a quick series of commands. “He is clear for streaming.”

Light flickered in Tov’s peripheral vision as Laidon materialized beside the chairs. He looked rather mussed and tired as if he’d slept in his clothes.

“Thanks for seeing me,” Laidon said.

“You fucking traitor!” Cylex vaulted out of his chair and leaped over Tov’s legs. His shoulder collided with Laidon’s chest, propelling him over backward.

Fists were flying fast and hard before they hit the floor.

Zevon shook his head as he hurried out from behind his desk. “I guess they know each other.”

Tov grasped Cylex’s arm and tried to pull him off Laidon. Laidon used the pause to place an especially vicious punch. Blood gushed from Cylex’s nose and he twisted free of Tov’s hold, attacking Laidon with renewed aggression.

Zevon motioned Tov back and they let the other two brawl for a few moments. They rolled across the floor, pummeling each other with equal force. A chair toppled and the table collided with the wall as the enemies rolled one direction and then the other.

“Enough!” Zevon shouted after each had had ample opportunity to express his hatred.

Laidon shoved Cylex off him then scrambled to his feet. “What the hell is he doing here? This fucker is Jevara’s henchman!”

“Says the faithless traitor,” Cylex countered, wiping his face with his sleeve. It did little more than smear blood across his cheek and chin.

“You cannot trust one word he says,” Laidon insisted, pointing at Cylex. He wiped away the blood from his mouth, creating a smear similar to Cylex’s. “He has been Jevara’s right hand for years.”

“Is this personal or political?” When the combatants continued to glare at each other, Zevon asked Cylex, “Why do you hate Laidon so vehemently?”

Without breaking eye contact with his enemy, Cylex replied, “The conflict is personal. I apologize for reacting the way I did. It was a shock to see him at the Citadel.”

“What areyoudoing here?” Laidon asked bitterly. “Are you playing both sides against each other now?”

“Regardless of your feelings for each other, it seems to me that you two have an awful lot in common,” Zevon told them.

Laidon scoffed. “I have nothing in common with that amoral coward. I have always fought for my beliefs.”

“You do not know me,” Cylex snapped. “Do not pretend that you do.”

“Sit down, shut your mouths, and I will tell you what is going to happen.” Zevon waited until they complied before he continued.

There were only two chairs, so Tov remained slightly back, silently observing. He had done his part. Laidon was in the room with Zevon. Maybe he should discreetly slip from the office and check on Cara and Raina. This was a secure facility, but knowing that they were currently unguarded did not sit well with him.