Page 19 of Bound

“Altor was the first planet in our star system to be colonized,” Grinnel offered before the budding argument could explode. “There were nearly a thousand people who established the first settlement. By the end of the first year only thirty-six families remained. They became known as the founding families. Your father is a direct descendant of Fizon Slanar, one of the original thirty-six.”

Personal accomplishments and character had always meant more to Cara than names and titles. But her mindset was American, not Altorian. “Where did the settlers come from? Which planet or planets established the colonies?”

“There are four inhabitable planets in our star system. All four were colonized simultaneously by the Sarlian Federation. However, each settlement had a different set of challenges, each population different traditions. That is why the societies that developed on each planet are so divergent.”

More than happy to ignore Lezod, Cara focused on Grinnel. “When was this?”

“Just over five hundred years ago.”

“And the Slanar bloodline has been unbroken in all those generations?” That seemed highly unlikely. “There was never a couple unable to have kids, never a war or an epidemic that wiped out all the offspring?”

Lezod rolled his eyes, his expression petulant. “Did your research not mention the Controller Wars?”

“Don’t let him distract you,” Grinnel cautioned. “The Controller Wars were horrific. They affected every person in our star system, but they went on for decades and the conflicts woven through them were complex. We are not going to get into all of that right now. The answer to your question is twofold. The Slanar bloodline has always been prolific and has a strong tendency to produce male offspring. Part of that tendency is natural, but part is engineered.”

“With a few exceptions, Altorian technology has irradiated infertility,” Lezod summarized. “Our house has remained strong, because we made damn sure it did.”

As usual, she had analyzed the problem with a human perspective. Two weeks was not a lot of time to overwrite a lifetime of experiences. “How is wealth passed down on Altor? Does the firstborn son inherit everything, or is it divided evenly between all the offspring?”

A gentle smile curved Grinnel’s lips. “This is an oversimplification, but monetary assets are divided evenly between the offspring once both parents have passed beyond. Estates, and therefor titles, are prioritized according to size and the income generated by the property, then bestowed on the offspring as they are born. Arriving first is still an advantage, but the sex of the offspring is not a factor.”

Cara paused, trying to imagine what that would look like.

“You seem confused,” Grinnel noted. “Would a specific example help?”

“Very much. Thank you.”

“House Slanar currently holds six entitled estates,” Lezod explained, his voice filled with pride. “I am head of the house, so Slanar Estate is mine and will remain so until my passing. All of the other estates were distributed to my offspring as they were born.”

“We were able to keep the estates intact as we passed them on,” Grinnel added, “but often there is only one estate so it is divided between the siblings.”

Cara nodded, surprised by the equality. Everything else she had learned about Altor led her to believe females would have fewer rights. “It seems fairer than giving everything to the firstborn son.”

“Heavens above, is that how it’s done on Earth?” Grinnel seemed genuinely horrified. “And Mother claims that Altorians are chauvinistic.”

“Many countries on Earth have moved away from the practice.” Cara felt obligated to defend, but her mind quickly returned to Altorian customs. “If everyone already has their inheritance, what happens to Slanar Estate once you two have passed on?”

“Your oldest brother will become head of House Slanar, so the estate will belong to him and his family,” Grinnel told her. “Head of a noble house is the only position that requires a biological son.”

“I see.” That sounded more like what she had expected. Altorian males were dominant. Females could inherit wealth, but true authority was reserved for males.

“Your title is Pictar of Cessia, if you were wondering,” Lezod informed. “You should always be addressed as Lady Cessia. This also means your mates will become Lord Cessia.”

“It is an honor Ephrod was quite anxious to enjoy,” Grinnel told her. “Being Lord Cessia would open doors Chancellor Laeth simply will not.”

Of course. Ephrod had no real interest in her. He just wanted to be part of House Slanar.

Shaking away the disconcerting thought, she asked for one final clarification. “If you had six titles, but only four children, what happened to the other two titles?”

He seemed less annoyed now that they were discussing something close to his heart. “I retain them until my children start presenting me with grandchildren. A process that is taking longer than I had hoped. Your oldest brother has been bonded for six years and still I am waiting.”

She smiled, hoping to encourage his talkative mood. “Were you an only child?”

His gaze narrowed and tension returned to his lips. “Why do you ask?”

Not sure how she had upset him, she kept her tone light and conversational. “How did one person end up with six titles if they are given out as children are born?”

“Lezod had two younger brothers,” Grinnel told her. “Both died childless fighting the Torretians. Both of his parents are also gone, so their estates reverted to him.”