I stop outside the ICU just as she's brought in for treatment, my sight blurred by tears.

“Do you hear me? I love you!”

The doors shut, and I’m left with my fears. I stay on the spot for a few more minutes before shambling back to the lobby.

Alex has arrived and is in the lobby, waiting for news. Anna called him, even though it skipped my mind to tell her. His brows wrinkle as his gaze meets mine.

“Alex –”

“Where’s my sister?”

I release a long breath before dropping into one of the waiting benches, resting my face on my hands.

“Didn’t you hear me?”

I don’t bother to look up. “She’s in the ICU. Her condition is critical. The doctors say she’s bled a lot due to a head injury..”

“What are you doing here, Richard?”

I’ve had enough. “I could ask you the same thing.”


I lift my head. “I said, I could ask you the same thing.”

“What are you digging at? I’m not the untrustworthy one here!”

I chuckle. “True, I might have lied. But before we cast stones, let’s face facts, shall we? Your sister lived without a brother for four years of her life. She climbed to the top without your support. You left her, Alex. Now you're back, and you're the big brother once again?”

“I had my reasons, and she knows – ”

“I’m not done yet.After all that time, you show up, claiming to have been watching over her. You come in all guns blazing, acting like you’re the big brother in control.”

Alex, wide-eyed, moves back an inch.

“I lied, right? I can’t be trusted, right? You wanna know something? Your sister is safe now. I kept my word. Not because we’re best friends or anything, but because that’s the right thing.”

“Richard, we’re attracting –”

“Your sister’s life is at stake, Alexander! Yet I’m the one you have an issue with? Well, it looks like you’ll be having one hell of an issue because I’m not leaving anytime soon. I didn’t come to the hospital for you. I came for Melissa. Why? I love her, that’s why.”

Alex, now on one of the benches, removes his glasses and wipes his face with a handkerchief, before wearing the frame once more. His hands are trembling.

When he speaks, it’s not what I expect. “The truck driver didn't make it. I’m afraid, Richard.”

I sigh. He's as worried about Melissa as I am. Maybe even more.

Taking a seat beside him, I draw in a deep breath, before patting him on the back. A tear drops from his eye.

“Nothing will happen to Melissa. She'll be alright. She's a survivor.”

He takes a quick glance at me with reddened eyes. His quick breathing slows after a moment.

“I guess so.”

“You should have more faith in your sister. She's stronger than you think.”

There's a weak smile on his face. “You’re right.” He inhaled sharply. “She’ll be alright.”