“Is everything alright?”

Looks like I’m about to find out.“Yeah. Bye, Richard.”

Disconnecting the call with a tap, I glance at my wristwatch – it’s 9:57 a.m. – before turning to my secretary, who’s still standing by the door.

“What’s the matter? I thought my meeting wasn’t until 12:00 p.m.”

“Someone’s here to see you, Miss Durham.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Who?”

“His name is Alex. He says he’s your brother.”


I rise to my feet. “Where is he?”

“The reception area.”

Shutting my laptop, I hurry to the reception area. There he is, seated, clutching a briefcase, his left leg repeatedly stomping the floor. He runs a hand through his long, brown hair, then glances sideways. His striking blue eyes meet mine, and in an instant, he’s on his feet, heading toward me. He stops just inches from me.


He’s changed since the last time I saw him. As handsome as ever, his boyish features have evolved to a more mature look.

After four years, my big brother is right in front of me. Happiness, stirring up from within, battles with another emotion – anger. In the end, my anger prevails.

“What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you.”

I’m not letting him off. “Sure. After all this time, you decide to show up now? Why?”

“I missed you so much, ‘Lissa.”

“Okay, so now you’ve seen me, and I’ve seen you. Satisfied?”

“Don’t do this, please. Just give me a chance. Don’t cause a scene.”

I gaze around. There’s only one person besides us in my reception area, and he’s so buried in his newspaper that it’s obvious he’s pretending to read.

I sigh. “Fine. My office.”

I lead Alex and instruct my secretary that I shouldn’t be disturbed.

“Alright, Alex. We’re alone now. What did you want to talk about?” I ask, sitting on one of the two couches in my office positioned facing each other with a low table in between.

“How’ve you been?”

Is he kidding me? Is that what he wants to talk to me about? My wellbeing?

Two can play this game.“I’ve been well. You?”

“Trying. Look, I know we have our issues, especially with Aunt Hannah and all, but believe me when I say I missed you so much, and I’m happy to see you again. You have no idea.”

“I don’t think that’s why you came down here.”

He adjusts the frame of his glasses. “Isn’t that enough reason? I’ve been worried about you, ‘Lissa. Especially with you being involved with Emerald.”