“About last night, um... You’re beautiful, sexy, and great, and I lost control, and –”

She cuts me short by placing a finger on my lips. “Do you find me attractive?”

“Yes, I do.”

She regards me with green eyes. “Attractive enough that I drive you crazy?”

You have no idea. “Yes.”

“You drive me crazy too, Richard. Did you know that? Last night – and earlier this morning – was us just coming to terms with that. So why are you apologizing?”

I chuckle. “I’m a gentleman.”

She leans forward to kiss me. As our lips come in contact, I pull her closer, and she wraps her hands around me.

“If you’re truly a gentleman, then help me with breakfast,” she says, breaking off the kiss.

Chapter 16


“MissDurham.Itrustyou’ve been well?”

“Hello, Agent Chad. I’ve been well. So? Any news?”

“Good and bad. The good news is you’re safe to return to your apartment. We’ve done a cleanup of the area, and we believe we have a lead on the men that broke into your apartment. However, we still don’t know much, so you’ll be posted. Agents will be dispatched nearby to watch for any suspicious activity.”

Relief. “What about work?”

“We believe you should stay away from Emerald for the meantime until we can establish something firm. Is there anything else?”

“Um nothing, thanks. I’ll move back in as soon as I can.”

“Alright, Miss Durham.”

The call ends. Chad is brief and concise, as usual.

The call brought good news for me. I’m now free to go back to my apartment. Yet somehow, that twists a knot in my stomach.

The news means I don’t have to stay with Richard anymore. But after our weekend together, I’m not ready for that.

Something is developing between us too, that I want to explore. Caution pulls at me, however. My experiences with Nathan, my ex from three years back, taught me enough lessons on relationships.

I cast that thought from my mind. Nathan was an immature, sick man who cared only about himself. Sex between us was passive, with me just a sex toy for his pleasures.

Richard, on the other hand, is an entire world of difference.

With Richard, I feel like the woman I am. If there’s anything he’s great at, it’s at making me feel special — In and out of bed.

With him, sex isn’t just a basic, biological act. It’s something more, with pleasures beyond this world. Sex with him can only be one thing –phenomenal.

The doorbell to Richard’s apartment rings on repeat, jolting me back to reality. I glance at the keyhole and, jumping with excitement to see who it is, open the door.


She runs forward, enveloping me in a bear hug.

“In the flesh, ‘Lissa. Been a while! Why didn’t you call?”