“That was great,” Richard says after the movie.

“Yeah. The movie and the food were awesome. Thanks for such a great morning, Richard.”

He turns to me, an eyebrow up. “You’re leaving already? But it’s just,” – he glances at a digital clock nearby – “ twelve-fifty-two? Heck, I didn’t know we’d spent almost three hours. Time does fly when you’re having fun, yeah?”

“Yeah, I guess. Listen, I had a great time, but I have to g–”

Richard cuts in. “Are you doing anything else?”

I’m about to answer in the affirmative, but think better of it.


“One more movie. I have some popcorn for dessert.”

One more movie. How complicated can things get?

“Alright. But one more, and that’s it.”

“Hey. I have just the thing.Poltergeist.”

Of all the movies, a scary one. I spend the better part of the next hour jumping in fright.

“Seems like you’re not one for horror movies, yeah?” Richard asks.

“Who the hell is?”

He bursts into laughter, jerking on the sofa.

A jump scare scene plays and I jump, sending pieces of popcorn up the air. I hold the next thing near me that’s safe and secure. That next thing is Richard.

My arms wrap tightly around him; his masculine strength calms my stray nerves. I feel …secure,in his arms.

“Um… do you want me to change the movie?”

I ease myself from him. “Let’s finish the movie. And sorry about the mess.”

“It’s no problem, Melissa,” he says, brushing some tendrils of hair that had escaped my ponytail off my temples and behind my left ear.

My phone vibrates, distracting me from the moment. I check the notification. My eyebrows wrinkle. It’s a mail.

A mail from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emerald.

I open the email and skim through it. Heat rushes through my skin.

The short email is a directive. I’m to appear before the board of directors, for a reason unspecified. Dread courses through my spine.

“I’m sorry, but I have to leave right now, Richard. Something important just came up.”

“What’s wrong? Hope everything is alright–”

I’m already at his door. “Nothing’s wrong. Thank you for such a lovely day. I enjoyed every part of it.”

I shut his door.

Entering my apartment, I dial Chad. If there's anyone that should know about this new development, it's him.
