At first, I too, was wary of Richard. Here was a man that was just … everywhere. When I was moving in, he was there. So was he in the days that followed, leading to his actions at my housewarming party. Only when we got closer, did I open up to him. Finding out all he did, I distanced myself because I thought he was using me.God, I was so wrong.

Lies or not, he has my best interests at heart, and that’s enough to forgive him. The wall I built around my heart to keep Richard out comes tumbling down as I speed through the highway.

I pull up at an intersection near Brooklyn Heights as the traffic lights change to red. I ring Celine’s number and she answers straight away.

“Lissa! Where are you now? Been waiting for you. And so has your pie.”

“I know. I’ll be home soon. Just give me a few more minutes.”

“Well, hurry up, okay? It’s kinda boring here without you. Perhaps I can just keep staring atHer Pridewhile munching on apple pie.”

“You do you, Celine. You can place my pie in the microwave now, though. Won’t be long before I’m there, and right now, I need a good chow-down.”

“I got you, Lissa. How did the emergency stuff at the office turn out? Did you sort it out?”

The light turns green, and I press my foot on the accelerator. “It did. Although, I… Wait, hold on…”

A honking sound from a truck blasts from a corner of the street. A truck with the logo of a milk company imprinted on it appears from nowhere. I try to swerve, but it’s too late.

Little pieces of glass and metal fly all around me. Landing with a bang, my car's airbag explodes on my face. There's silence all around, punctured by an audio distortion in my ear. I take deep breaths, before trying to undo my seatbelt. It's jammed. My head hurts.

After a while, the sound returns, but it's muffled. I can't see well — there's something red blurring my sight. Is that blood? A ray of sunlight greets me from an open car door. I blink, trying to adjust to the light. What’s happening? Why does everything feel so…distant?

Lights flash in my face. Someone utters something I can’t make out. I try to speak, but my jaw hurts. Everything hurts.

I black out.

Chapter 25


“You’reonaroll,Mr. Burnes! You need to give yourself more credit. Keep this up, and soon you'll have not one, but two companies to direct.”

I, before taking a bite from a slice of toast.

“That’s not the main objective, Anna. The main objective is to do the right thing. For us, it's ending all the corruption within Emerald. Once that’s done, I’ll appoint someone that’ll run the company with efficiency and without any shady dealings.”

Anna’s lips curve into a grin. “You thinking who I’m thinking?”

“No, okay? Look, I don’t know if it’ll be Melissa or if she’ll want to work with me at all after everything.”

“I didn’t mention any name, Mr. Burnes.”

“Haha. Very funny. You got me there.”

This Saturday morning is a strange one. On a normal Saturday, I start my regular exercises or go to the gym, then settle for a relaxing day afterward. Not today.

The merger deal will be finalized this week, on Monday, and once that’s done, the FBI and SWAT will move in and make their raids, arrests, and busts. All through the week, I’ll be busy trying to get a law team, so the criminals face their deserved due in court. Hence, I have to lay down guidelines for the running of both companies for Anna.

“I’ll ask you the same question I asked you before. Are you sure I’m the right person to be given this responsibility?”

“A thousand percent. How hard can it be? I mean, you handle me, and I know I’m much more of a responsibility than both companies combined! You’d do great. Plus, it’s only for a week or two until new management is set up.”

“Alright. You’re the boss. What should we do about the issuing of new stocks?”

“For now, we’ll have to keep that under wraps, as –”

The doorbell rings, distracting both of us. I stop to hear, and it rings again. Then another time. And another. Who the hell is there?