“Patience, Melissa. I’m getting somewhere. Just answer the question.”
“Okay. What’s the interesting thing?”
He gets up and walks to his desk. Bringing out a silver box, he opens it, fetching a cigar. With a lighter in hand, the tobacco is soon burning. He inhales, then breathes out a puff.
“That match,” he points with his smoking cigar to the golf match being shown on the television, “is a special one. Why? It was held in honor of the donors of the golf club. I’m a huge donor, so I got a slot. Want to know why I’m not there?
“How … why aren’t you there?”
“I’m not in that match because there’s something that’s far more important on my plate I have to take care of. Now, I like my pleasures, alright, but business always comes first. Want to know what thebusinessin question is?”
This sly fox is driving somewhere. “Vibrant?”
“Exactly! Good one, Melissa. You’re quick. I’m here because of Vibrant. Mr. Burnes has presented before us a mouth-watering merger deal, and I’ll be damned if I don’t take action. The sooner, the better.”
“But you still –”
He waves a finger at me. Getting the message, I fall silent. This is becoming frustrating by the second.
“I’m not done yet. Emerald is a big company – heck, the biggest nonprofit out there! Vibrant Corp herself is by no means a small company. Vibrant Corp can outdo Emerald in revenue in a productive year. Now, imagine if we had those two companies under our control.”
“Can I take a seat?”
As if he’s just noticing I’ve been standing all the while, he waves me to a chair.
“Have a seat! Of course! Forgive my manners. I get carried away sometimes. As I was saying. Now, someone – and not just anyone, but Emerald’s CEP – mentions something about Vibrant, and it’s only obligatory I dig into that.”
Walking up to his bar, he retrieves a bottle of brandy and pours himself a glass. After downing the liquid in one go, he puts his cigar back into his mouth before turning to face me.
“This leads me to my question. What about Vibrant Corp did you want to talk to me?”
My hands, restless, fiddle with the straps of my bag. I swallow several times before talking.
“The deal with Vibrant should be reevaluated. Richard Burnes is planning something. It’ll be ill-advised to rush into a partnership with such a mysterious character.”
Lamar chuckles, before roaring into laughter.
“Is that what you’re worried about, Melissa?” he asks, still laughing.
“Yes. That, and more.”
“More? Let me hear it.”
“The time frame we’ve set for processing this merger is too soon. We should build a solid foundation before entering the partnership deal. My estimates say, a timeframe ranging from a year to three, maybe.”
Every trace of humor has disappeared from Lamar’s face by now, and his trademark scowl is back.
“I want to ask you this, Miss CEO. Do you want us to merge with Vibrant Corp or not? No niceties. I need just a yes, or no.”
“I’m pretty sure you have your reasons. Am I on the money?”
“Good. The board is meeting in three days. You’ll be present to discuss your case and a vote will be held. Sounds good enough?”
The board, Lamar included, is blinded by one thing – money. It’s going to be a herculean task trying to get them off what they see as a profitable deal, but I have to try, as I know Richard’s endgame. For all I know, he might be entering the second phase of his plans now.