Why’s she withdrawing from me?

“Alright. Goodnight, then.”

I move closer to kiss her. Her face turns, and the kiss lands on her cheek.


Cleaning her face with her long sleeves, she walks away into the night.

The walk back to my car is a long one. My mind is weighed down by my decision. Is lying to Melissa really for the best?

I stop, my brows wrinkling. Melissa’s story is a bit too specific. There's definitely something going on with her.

Oh no.

What if she’s already met Alex and was trying to test me?

Chapter 20



“Who’s there?”

“It’s me. Melissa.”

The door to Alex’s apartment opens. Already in his pajamas, his hair is disheveled, and there are bags in his eyes.

“Oh? ‘Lissa? What’re you doing here? It’s late!”

“We need to talk. Can I come in?” I ask.

“Come in.”

I enter his apartment. The living room is neat and spacious, with couches arranged to form a semicircle, flower vases around the room, and a bookshelf propped up in one corner. A digital clock propped up on a table gives me an idea of how late it is. Twenty minutes before eleven.

“Do you want something? Anything?” He asks as I take a seat.

“I’d like some milk.”

A small smile appears on his face. “You’re still the same, aren’t you, ‘Lissa?”

He exits, leaving me to my thoughts. It’s turning out to be a long night.

Earlier, when Richard skirted the truth and lied about his relationship with Alex, I was so pissed it took all my self-control not to lash at him.

Why is Richard lying about his relationship with Alex? Why can’t he just be plain?

Just a month ago, Richard was one of my top suspects in this web of conspiracy because of his secrecy. To date, I still don’t know what he was doing in my room or why he was there. Is he an agent of Lamar’s? Someone from Vibrant Corp?

I’ve built a trust – no, arelationshipwith him that has been growing since my time at his house after the burglary. Now, I found out he lied about Alex. What else could he be lying about?

“Is everything alright?”

Alex stands, a cup of hot milk and another of something else in his hands. He hands me the milk, and I take a gulp.

“Alex,” I say, when he’s seated, “I need you to tell me everything you know about Richard. Don’t hide anything from me. Please. I have to know.”