This is a top diner in Brooklyn, and Richard gets us a private space.


As we make our way through the tables, most of them occupied with elites dining and making very little conversation, the enticing aroma of fragrant spices fills the air. Clinking sounds all around, made by forks and knives on ceramic plates, contrast – or rather, compliment an opera piece playing from a sound system, giving the restaurant a classic feel.

We make our way up a staircase and into a private section. There’s a table waiting, flanked by two ebony chairs. Flowers placed on Greek-style short pillars decorate the private room, with a fish tank by a corner.

The waiter waits for us to take our seats before giving us each our menu.

“What would you like for dinner?”

Richard pauses a while before answering. “I’ll have the seafood special and sauce.”

I turn to the waiter. “I’ll have the same.”

The waiter jots, then leaves.

“I’m impressed. This restaurant has class. How did you get a private spot?”

He drinks from his glass of water, then sets it down, gazing at me.

“I have my ways, hon’. Did I mention how gorgeous you look tonight?”

“Yes. Three times already.”

“I could keep saying it, but now it seems like an understatement.”

Just hours ago, I scoured fashion boutiques along with Celine for the perfect dress. It was Celine who suggested what I’m wearing now – a velvety red dress with a fashionable V-cut and no back.

“Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself. Also, there’s something I wanna tell you.

“What’s that?”

“I’ll be moving back to my apartment tomorrow. I’ve already moved my stuff back.”

“Is it safe to go back?”

“Yes. I’ve been cleared by the police to move back in. I’m safe now.”

His gaze moves to his glass cup, a finger swirling around the rim.

“Nice. Good to know you’re safe,” he says, his head staying down.

I stretch my hands to hold his. “We still live close.”

He takes my fingers in his and gives me a squeeze.

“I’ll miss waking up to your meals. Waking up to you.”

“You still can. Just come over.”

The waiter brings our main course, and soon we’re dining on rich seafood.

“Great place, isn't it?”

“Certainly. Beautiful restaurant, and the food’s great.”

"I'm glad it's to your liking.”