He releases a deep breath. “Thanks a lot, man. I feel so much at ease now.”

I’m sorry, man. I don’t deserve your appreciation. I’m not being honest with you.

Emerald Inc. is my target. I can’t take it, however, without uncovering some dirt. Some dirt that might implicate the CEO.

Seeing Alex sullen and worried about his sister, I reconsider my objectives. This would be so much easier if the board accepted my merger offer. But now, things have progressed beyond my control.

Melissa and I developing something physical between us don’t help the situation.

“Now, what’s wrong?” I focus on the call.

“I finally reached out to Melissa, but she won’t talk to me. I think she still hates me.”

“Why? What happened between you two? When I talked to her, she hinted at a conflict, but I didn’t get a clear picture.”

“It’s about Hannah, our aunt. She was diagnosed with cancer. And, I wasn’t around in her last days. Melissa still won’t forgive me for that.”

“Damn, man. I’m sorry about that. Do you have a reason for disappearing?”

Alex removes his glasses, cleaning the sides of his eyes with a handkerchief, before wearing his glasses.

“At the time, I had a complicated relationship with my aunt. Before my aunt was diagnosed with cancer, I decided it’d be best to stay away. Melissa didn’t share the sentiment.”

“I’m sorry, Lex.”

He lifts a handkerchief to his nose and blows.

“It’s alright, man. Hannah didn’t survive. And I wasn’t there.”

“And she still hates you because she feels you abandoned your family, yeah?”

“It was a hard choice to make. I had to be free. I was being held back. But even then, I still didn’t stop thinking about Melissa. The next time I talked to her, her anger toward me had grown into something more. It grew into hate.”

“No. She doesn’t hate you. She might still be mad at you, but Melissa doesn’t hate you. If anything, I think she needs her brother back with her.”

“That’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about, Richie. I think Melissa’s life is in danger. She’s not in a friendly environment. That’s why I need you to watch over her. I can’t brief you on all the details, but I know you can protect my little sister. Please do.”

“Alright, Lex. Your sister is safe.”As long as she’s not part of the complex web of corruption in Emerald.

Chapter 14


“Youhaveanappointmentat 12 with representatives from the Stock Exchange. Later, you need to review some files. That’s all for the day, ma’am.”

I nod. “Thank you, Brittany. You can go now.”

As my secretary, Brittany leaves, I'm left to ponder my relationship with my brother.

Alex wants back in my life. Before yesterday, we talked just thrice in the four years since he left. Each conversation ended like yesterday's – with Alex asking – no,demandingfor me to forgive him and accept him back into my life, without accepting what he did to distance himself from it in the first place.

He left when it mattered most. If he can't admit that, then to hell with him.

I stare at my computer screen; my hands pause on the keyboards. There’s work to do, but I can't get Alex out of my mind.

He's not the only one. Richard also doesn't leave my thoughts.

Richard and I are closer now. There’s no doubt about that. That’s something I tried to avoid from the start.