“You left, Melissa.”
She’s about to answer when we’re interrupted by a man in a white suit.
“It’s time for your speech, Mr. Burnes.”
“Yes, of course.” I shake hands with the man. “I’ll just be over.”
As the man turns away, I return my gaze to Melissa. “We’ll talk later. Duty calls.”
She nods without saying a word, and I turn away.
Walking up to the podium, I collect my speech papers, perusing the contents I’ve already studied. The papers appear blank to me, however.
The friction between Melissa and I is only building. I sigh, wishing it will all just blow away.
But now, I have a speech to make.
“Poverty is a problem that still plagues humanity,” I begin, “more than you might imagine. Statistics show that approximately seven hundred million people in developing countries, two-thirds of whom live in Asia and the Pacific, suffer from chronic undernourishment. And it’s not just in developing countries. Even in America, more than forty percent of Americans are considered to live below the poverty line. Surely, poverty can be reduced worldwide due to sustainable efforts and aid. But that isn’t enough. We should be doing more. We all live on this green-blue planet. Let’s put food in the mouths of those that don’t have any…”
I finish to a rousing applause. My eyes scan the grand hall for a moment. Chandeliers hanging high in the ceiling, their lighting bouncing off the stained glasses to increase the lightning tenfold. Before I find who I’m looking for, with a smile on her face, Melissa is clapping as well.
Leaving the podium, I stride across the hall to meet her.
“That was a nice speech, Richard. You had the crowd, me included.”
“To be honest, I held back, if anything. There’s so much we could be doing. A pity some choose instead to use their wealth for nefarious purposes.”
I turn to gauge her reaction. She’s unaffected by my remark. I change the topic.
“The fun part of the party is starting soon. May I have your hand for the dance, m’lady?” I say, in a faked accent.
She follows suit, extending her hand. “Why, certainly, mister.”
I take it and lead her to the ballroom, arm in arm. As we step onto the dance floor, a slow waltz tune plays.
I place one hand on her waist and hold one of her hands with the other. With me in the lead, we move with ease into the music.
“You’re a good dancer,” I say, impressed by the grace and confidence of her movement.
“You’re an expert yourself, Richard.”
I pull her close and take over the dance with my expertise. With bold, sweeping steps, I maneuver her from a collision with another couple. That draws her closer to me.
“You up for something awesome?” I ask.
She looks up at me. “What’s that?”
“I’ll show you. But first, we have to get out of here.”
I lead her away from the ballroom to a private balcony, with stained glasses decorating the walls and the night sky in view. She stares wide-eyed into the night sky, bejeweled with spots and speckles of stars.
“What a view.”
I chuckle. “What I want to show you is more down-to-earth, Melissa. It’s gonna blow your mind.”
Flicking a switch, the stained-glass windows light up, creating a beautiful arrangement of dazzling colors. The arrangement of bright-colored angels and other ethereal beings on the glasses reflecting the lights from fluorescents creates a harmonic symphony of light and color.