Alex and Richard know each other from work. A coincidence, but one that I can use. If I can get closer to him, I can find out just exactly who he is and why he’s always popping up wherever I’m concerned.
Wearing a bathrobe, I head to the kitchen. I grab myself a cup and make some coffee. I’m not fond of it, but I need it for a clear mind. I’m about to take my first sip when my phone rings. It’s a private number.
“Hello? Who’s this?”
“Agent Chad.Listen carefully. Earlier yesterday, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emerald Inc. was seen paying a visit to notorious Mafia boss Don Luigi. We can only assume he’s made another generous donation.”
I grit my teeth. All these shady deals, happening in my own company, under my nose.
“The board is making moves, and we can only deduce you’ll be involved, some time or the other. Do not go to the safe without our knowledge. And if you find anything suspicious, contact me. You know how.”
The call ends abruptly, but I get the message. Knowing that underground crime deals and embezzlement are taking place, but being powerless to do anything about it is frustrating. I glance at the cup of coffee and dump the liquid in the sink.
* * *
“Isn’t – aren’t you supposed to useoneteaspoon of vanilla?”
Richard stares curiously into his pie mix, then back at me. “Wasn’t it one I added?”
He scoops a small sample on a finger and licks it. I swallow.
“That last one was the second.”
“We’re good. It’s the eggs I’m worried about.” He chuckles nervously.
Laughter bobbles up my throat. For a reason, he misread the instructions, adding six eggs instead of three.
“We could have just gone for ordinary pie. Why did you insist on Cracker pie?”
Richard gives a soft laugh. “In college, there was this girl in my department. We had a project, along with some other guys. So one day, we all went to this girl’s house to finish our research. Her mother treated us all with cracker pie, and I loved it. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I didn’t get the recipe until a few days ago.”
I cast a side glance at him. I've never seen this side of him until today, and it’s a side I’m loving so far.
“That’s a wonderful story.”
He puffs his chest up. “Wait till you taste the pie. You’ll discover a whole new side of wonderful.”
Putting the mixture in the oven, he sets the timer.
“Now, we wait.”
Richard keeps his gaze on me. A corner of his mouth curves up.
“Is there something on your mind, Richard?”
“A lot of things, to be honest.”
I raise an eyebrow.
“Like what?”
His lopsided smile makes me color. “Like which movie we should be watching while we’re eating the pie. Or what to do after. It’s a free Saturday for me.”
He’s in a jovial mood, yet his eyes are fixed on me, and he doesn't flinch. Is he asking me to spend my Saturday with him?
Alarm bells ring through my head, screaming for caution. The last thing I want to complicate my life is this man.
This sexy, aggravating man.