The room has three doors on either side. Located next to the bathroom is the door to the walk-in closet, left slightly ajar. If I wanted to hide something, I’d put it in the closet. The door’s probably open because she left in a hurry.
The closet lights are on, so I spot the racks of expensive-looking outfits right before noticing a vanity mirror propped on a makeup table. The table is lined with several products; every inch of the surface is covered in them. The shoes are further back, placed on small individual shelves lined on the wall like they are on display at a store. A golden lightbulb hangs above the closet, complementing the ivory-painted walls.
Everything is displayed so plainly; it doesn’t look like there is space to hide anything. The make-up drawers are the obvious options, but if I move one, everything will come tumbling down. I look around some more, trying to find something out of place. I’ve already been out of the party for a while. Someone would come to look for …
“I wish I could say this is a pleasant surprise, Richard. What are you doing in my closet?”
I freeze. Slowly, I turn toward her. How did I not hear her come in?
I left the door of the room and the closet open.
“I … got lost looking for a restroom.”
The lie rolls off my tongue. She shakes her head.
“The guest restroom isn’t even remotely close to this place. Why didn’t you ask one of the waiters attending to show you to it?”
“I didn’t want to impose. This door was open, so I thought it was a restroom. My apologies.”
She doesn’t look convinced. She looks around the closet and looks back at me. Thankfully, I haven’t gone through her closet yet.
“Our apartments should be similar, so there’s no way you wouldn’t have known this was the master bedroom. Except, of course, you’re looking for something.”
“Of course not. As I said, I was only looking for the bathroom.”
The party outside is still in full swing. If she decides to question me, someone will come looking for us both. This isn’t exactly the best place for both of us to be caught. She studies the closet for a few heartbeats, before turning toward the door.
“Why don’t we return to the party? There are other people I want to introduce you to.”
“As long as you show me where the guest restroom is first.”
Chapter 6
I’mwellacquaintedwithcleaning up after parties, but something about them exhausts me, even if I’m not directly involved in the cleaning. Celine’s staying back to assist, but because she already puked once, she’s resting in the guest bedroom, leaving me to monitor the work going on alone.
I was taken aback when Richard showed up. I didn’t expect him to come, but he always surprised me. All my expectations about him are wrong – all except one, anyways. Suspiciously loitering around someone else’s house raises a lot of red flags. His excuse doesn’t do much to help his case.
“Miss Durham, where do you want this?”
It’s a porcelain sculpture of a goose. The details on it are intricate; it looks remarkably similar to the sculpture in the office of the chairman of the board at Emerald. No doubt it’s from him.
“It’ll make a nice decoration for my mantlepiece. You can keep it there.”
It’s a warning.
The meaning is clear; a goose symbolizes loyalty.He’s been probing me, testing me to know which side I’m on. For a seasoned businessman, he’s not subtle. I hate his overt familiarity. My lips curl as I stare at the gaudy sculpture.
I really want to smash that thing.
Overt warning or not, he responded to the invitation I sent, saying he wouldn’t be present. And I greeted all my guests and had an eye on them, which was how I knew Richard was missing from the living room. How did he get into my room?
I’ll have to check all the security cameras.
Minutes later, the cleaning staff is done at last. After seeing them off to the door, I lock the doors properly.