I had chosen this neighborhood, particularly for its clean and serene surroundings. I valued my peace at home because I could hardly enjoy that when I was working, especially when going around the hotels and casinos we run in Las Vegas.

Peacefulwas never the adjective to use in the entertainment and hospitality industry, which is why I yearned for it during my spare time.

This was supposed to be a peaceful neighborhood where I could go about my business without anyone meddling with my affairs and with no one who could recognize me too. I have always preferred being a nobody rather than being placed in the spotlight.

After eating, I went to my backyard to lounge by the pool with a book. There was a tall fence around my property, so I shouldn’t be able to see the neighbor’s yard or pool area. However, looking up, I saw her opening what I guessed was her bedroom window.

I felt an irritation building up inside me, but the man in me couldn’t resist gazing at this beautiful woman wearing black lacy nighties. Her long golden brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, barely hiding her healthy cleavage, as she stretched her arms.

“Good morning, Las Vegas!” she called out to no one in particular, oblivious to my presence.

Someone was in a pretty good mood.It almost made me laugh. But at the same time, I couldn’t help groaning and thinking how I would have to put up with this crazy woman for the coming days and who knows? Maybe even months and years!

I heard her shrieking and perhaps jumping on her bed. That was my guess, as I could see her head bobbing up and down through the window.

Crazy,I thought, shaking my head. I wonder what made her move here. She’s probably not from Las Vegas originally.

After a few minutes, I could not hear her anymore.Finally!

I crossed my legs and leaned back on my favorite chaise lounge, opening my book and getting ready to read. It was a popular marketing book, which I’ve been finding very helpful so far.

I had read a few pages and was becoming engrossed in it when I heard a blast of dance music from the other house. It was coming from the first floor, so I figured she must be playing it while cooking or something.

My pet dog Jackpot, a teacup Maltese breed, suddenly appeared, barking loudly while looking at the house on the other side of the fence.

“Oh, wow,” I muttered under my breath. “You two deserve each other. Noisy and crazy.”

Jackpot was a gift from a very close friend, Jillian, who I considered as my second mother at the orphanage where I grew up. She insisted that I was being such a loner and that I at least needed a dog to keep me company. She also decided to give me a female dog companion because she hated that I couldn’t keep any girlfriend. I only dated around, and it wasn’t even frequent. I just felt like it was a waste of time and energy.

And because I had just been to one of our casinos on The Strip, I named the dog Jackpot.

I got up and decided to finish my reading in the living room, where I could enjoy my peace. True enough, when I closed all the doors and windows, all the sounds outside were blocked out.

But then, after just an hour, a steady rumbling noise began when I went to my home office. It wasn’t very loud because I was in an enclosed space. However, it was definitely bothersome because I could still hear it.

At first, I tried to ignore it as I went to check my email. But after a few minutes, I stood up and looked out the window, wondering what was happening.

Eventually, I went outside to check where the sound was coming from. “It’s fucking Sunday, for Christ’s sake,” I muttered with a groan.

Apparently, the noise that was now quite deafening, as I stood in my yard, was coming from next door.

I’ve just about had it. Even though I often stayed away from the people here, I was now left with no choice but to interact with this deranged woman.

Before heading to the house next door, I took a shower and put on a fresh shirt and pair of khaki shorts. I wanted to put my hands on my ears as the noise from inside continued to reverberate louder and louder. It sounded like grinding against cement or something like that.

I rang the doorbell and waited.

When the door opened, the woman whom I’d only seen previously in the dark and through the window caught me by surprise. She looked more dazzling up close even though she was only wearing a sweatsuit and looked as if she had been working out.

She gasped when she saw me, and then the expression on her face changed from shock to annoyance.

“Yes?” she asked without even greeting me first.

I wanted to smirk, but I held back. Sarcastic words were at the tip of my tongue, but I didn’t say them. Instead, I gave her a steely stare and said in a polite manner, “Can you please stop whatever it is you’re doing back there? It’s very noisy and this neighborhood is supposed to be a peaceful one, especially on Sundays.”

There was no emotion in my voice, and yet her eyes narrowed at me. I noticed that she had deep brown eyes that matched her hair.

“I got a permit, so maybe you should just wear earplugs or something,” she spat out. She wasn’t even trying to be polite. Obviously, she was still pissed off at me for somehow ruining her little party the night before.