“Uhm, it’s nothing important,” was all she replied. I was inquisitive if she had a date.Poor guy!
I stood up and went around my desk to stand in front of her. We were only inches apart and I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. Her lovely scent filled my nostrils and seemed to pull me closer.
For a while, she gazed at me, looking nervous and uneasy. My eyes searched her face.
Then I extended my hand, saying, “Thank you, Miss Andrews. I’m glad we sorted things out.”
“Me, too,” she said, shaking my hand.
The warmth of her touch connecting with my skin was so overwhelming that I was speechless for a few seconds. I did not let go immediately but instead held her hand tightly.
She gave me a curious look. I wanted to lean forward and kiss her then.
This woman was fucking with my head… and my heart…
Chapter 9
AssoonasIstepped out of his office, I gave out a sigh of relief. A flash of anger went through me as I thought of how he seemed to have manipulated me. However, I knew that it was a lost case. I was left with no choice because I needed to keep this deal, or it wouldn’t reflect well on my term as CEO.
I just stood there in the dim hallway for minutes, trying to compose myself again and completely calm down. I was supposed to meet some of my colleagues, but I wasn’t in the mood anymore.
I called them to say I needed to take a rain check. Then proceeding to the elevator, I thought of Carter Croft.
Now it made sense. All those thugs in his house were just men in costume. The guns they had were all fake. They and the drag queens and showgirls were most likely employees or outsourced workers of this hotel--- for marketing and entertainment. It was so Las Vegas.
Well, that’s all in the past. I should just forget about him and focus again on my work.
The moment I stepped into the elevator, ready to head home, I saw a hand stop the door from closing. To my ultimate shock, it was Carter who came in to join me. Aside from the guards, we were probably the only ones still in this building.
I noticed that he wasn’t wearing his eyeglasses anymore. Our eyes met, and it was the first time I saw how intense his deep gray eyes were. There were specks of green in them too.
Once the elevator door closed, I felt my heartbeat racing because of our close proximity in such a small space.
“Meeting someone?” he asked casually.
“Uh, not anymore,” I answered truthfully, thinking of my friends who were still hoping I’d show up at the bar. I really wasn’t in the mood anymore. “I’m heading home.”
“I see,” he said.
“What about you?” I heard myself asking. I couldn’t believe I was extending the conversation.
Well, of course, it’s important to build rapport with this man so I can turn things around. He’s a client, after all.
“Yeah, I’m going home now,” he said. “I’ll probably pick up dinner on the way. And you? It must be late now to cook when you get home?”
The elevator finally stopped at the level of the lobby. He shifted his position, getting ready to go out. But when he did that, our arms brushed against each other, causing an electric current to shoot up my limbs. It was like I was suddenly on fire. Sweat broke out on my forehead and the palms of my hands.
“I’ll probably get some takeout too,” I put forward.
We stepped out and began walking toward the front of the building.
The tension in the air was apparent. I was somehow waiting for him to invite me to dine out or maybe get some takeout with him. It was odd how I hoped for that, in spite of what had transpired between us earlier. But I had this great, inexplicable urge to get to know him better and spend more time with him.
“Thank you, Mr. Croft,” I said as a goodbye message. I could feel my heart racing for various reasons.
He glanced at me before heading over to his car, where his driver was waiting. His deep gray eyes were twinkling mysteriously. “Thank you too, Ms. Andrews.”