To my bewilderment, she was actually meeting with one of my hotel executives and the housekeeping manager. They sat around a table and ordered coffee. Then she began to open a laptop and handed out some brochures.

It suited her to be in charge. She had an air of confidence and actually looked smart and highly presentable. When I came closer, I heard her speaking like she was an expert on the subject of linens. She even answered questions thoroughly and with substantiated facts.

Well, perhaps she is an expert on this. Was she a sale rep or something?

The executive of Prime Luxent stood up and was probably heading to the restroom when he saw me. We chatted a bit and he told me about the new linen technology that was being presented to them by their current supplier.

“What’s her name and company?” I asked, glancing at the beautiful woman with a charming smile. I noticed she had a dimple on her right cheek and that she often flipped her golden brown hair to the back of her shoulders.

“Her name is Ms. Leigh Andrews, and she is the new CEO of Luxe Linen, our current supplier,” the executive answered. “She’s proposing an upgrade to their newest linen technology.”

“Hhmm… Leigh Andrews…CEO?” I repeated, not showing my shock but feeling it deep within.

“Yes, Sir,” the executive confirmed. “She seems to be even more knowledgeable than the previous CEO, whom I met only once. This one is definitely hands-on, Sir.”

I nodded while in deep thought. “Interesting,” was all I murmured. She certainly looked a little too young to be CEO, so she must be very bright and skilled to have been given this position.

The meeting dragged on for a while more. The executive invited me to join but I declined, opting to just observe from a distance, my eyes and thoughts fixated on Leigh. She was certainly an intriguing, multifaceted woman with one of the most exquisite faces I’ve ever seen.

I wasn’t the only one who thought so, evidently.

When the meeting adjourned, Leigh stood up and gracefully exited the hotel. As she was waiting for the valet to bring her car, I watched her through the glass walls of the hotel’s facade. An older man with a moustache and a beard was approaching her.

I moved a little closer, my eyes narrowing as I watched them talking. She appeared to become flustered at his words.

They were all alone there at the moment. Suddenly, he squeezed her butt and pressed closer to her.

She spun around and pushed him away. He grabbed her hand, but she struggled. He was big and burly and looked a little drunk.

I didn’t hesitate anymore. I told the nearby staff in uniform to call security, and then I rushed outside.

“Leave her alone,” I commanded in a booming voice.

The man looked at me as if I was the one who was crazy. “This is my wife and she’s coming home with me!” he yelled. His green eyes seemed wild, not just drunk. He must be high on something.

Leigh seemed agitated, but she kept her composure and put up a brave front. She appeared to be aghast at my presence. There’s no doubt that she recognized me.

“Is this your husband?” I asked Leigh directly.

She shook her head. “Definitely not. I don’t even know this guy. He just suddenly came up to me and started talking nonsense.”

“She’s fucking lying!” the man shouted, his eyes flashing with anger.

He attempted to drag her again, but I stepped in between them. “She says she doesn’t know you, and she obviously doesn’t want to come with you. Please leave and do not cause any more trouble.”

Even though he was bigger and taller than me, I didn’t feel any fear. I was accustomed to fighting with such men in my younger days.

All of a sudden, he appeared to be confused. He gazed at Leigh for a long time and then eventually said, “You’re not my wife!”

“Uh, that’s what we’ve been telling you,” Leigh said, giving him a strange look. This person seemed to be deranged.

The man noticed the security personnel coming and he was suddenly afraid. He stepped backwards, muttering an apology, and then broke into a run.

I turned toward the security and nodded. They retreated, assuring the guests who had come to check out what was happening that everything was alright.

There was a puzzled expression on Leigh’s beautiful face. Instead of getting shaken up by the incident, she appeared to be more focused on me. I could tell that she was wondering who I was.

“Are you okay?” I asked.