“You’re going to the beach with Drake?” I could not help asking.

“Yes,” Leigh answered. “See you around, Carter.”

But before she could walk away, I touched her hand slightly. A familiar electric current shot up my arm. I pulled back but said what I needed to say at once, before I changed my mind. “Don’t drink too much when you’re around him,” I warned.

She gave me a weird look and smiled coldly as if to say it was none of my business. But at least I warned her. I had a clean conscience in case something happened, which I really hoped wouldn’t.

When I went inside my house, I was still greatly bothered. Of course, I wouldn’t have a clean conscience with that warning. In truth, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if Drake did something bad to her and I wasn’t there to save her from it.

And so I picked up my phone and dialed my assistant’s number.

“Call my old bodyguard Rick,” I barked over the phone. “Tell him to tail Miss Leigh Andrews wherever she goes and to send me a report every hour.”

I put the phone down, feeling a little more at peace.

Chapter 25


WhatamIdoingwith the man who abandoned me on our wedding day and then showed up with another girl when he was supposedly trying to win me back?

This was the question that kept playing in my head as I spent an entire day with Drake on the beach. There was a tiny voice in my head that gave me the answer.You’re using him to distract yourself because Carter doesn’t feel the same way about you.

I was able to convince myself that I was just hanging out with an old friend. It started out fine. We swam together, had a picnic under a tree, and even built a sandcastle. He never even made a move to kiss or touch me. I was kind of relieved because, being sober now, it just didn’t seem appropriate.

“Hey, you want to take a shower and rest a bit?” he asked after a while. To my surprise, he informed me that he’d borrowed a friend’s beach house for the afternoon. “We can actually stay for the night since no one’s using it for a few days.”

“Oh,” I said, taken aback. I knew where it was headed. He’d probably even planned it, just in case I would say yes.

“You don’t have to answer now,” he assured me. “You can think about it first.”

I nodded, though I already knew my answer. It was a hard no. This was different from when Carter had asked me to stay overnight at the Bali Villas. I felt differently about him. I knew that for sure now.

I did follow Drake inside the cozy beach house of his friend. I wanted to freshen up because I was feeling a little salty and sticky already from the seawater.

As I was showering, I realized it was the truth. Since Drake was the one who was there, offering companionship, I had grabbed onto it because I’d been feeling so rejected and depressed. Carter had been avoiding me, and it’s been killing me. I had attempted to talk to him twice about it, but he always brushed me off.

This was really stupid of me to come with Drake today. I had no intention of using him or getting revenge on him. I just wanted to feel comforted, and he happened to be there. Besides, I was so drunk last night.

Now that I’m thinking straight and I have no alcohol in my body, I should be able to make better decisions.

“I have to go home,” I murmured to myself.

I went out of the bathroom, wearing a robe and a towel on my head. Drake was right outside, staring at me. I suddenly felt as if he was undressing me with his eyes. It was an unwelcome, uncomfortable feeling. I hurried toward the nearby bedroom where I’d left my bag.

But then, Drake followed me and grabbed me from behind, hugging me tightly and tracing the back of my neck with his lips.

My body did not react positively. Instead, I felt violated. I pulled away at once, but he spun me around and kissed me on the lips. At the same time, his hand tugged at the tie at my waist in order to open my robe. Shocked, I grabbed his hand. “No, Drake,” I firmly said.

His eyes were filled with intense desire and his face showed determination and burning passion. “What’s wrong, Leigh? Don’t you miss this?” he whispered, pulling me close and inserting his hand inside my robe to caress my breasts.

I gasped and pushed him away harder. He stumbled backward. I grabbed my bag and went back to the bathroom to dress up.

I was trembling, but I did it fast so I could leave immediately. But when I got out, he was waiting there with a huge apologetic expression on his face. “Please, Leigh, don’t go yet. I’m so sorry, I just got carried away.”

It had actually been a good day, but he had to go and ruin it by trying to take advantage of me.

“Never mind,” was all I said as I began to walk toward the door.