Page 10 of Oath of Redemption

“You’ve never owned a dog.” Julian laughs.

“That doesn’t mean I’m not a dog person.” My eyes meet his, the fear from before only slightly quenched, but I embrace the distraction Julian is currently offering.

“Whatever you say, Bev.”

Chapter Seven


I gave myself this week to process. I spent it mostly throwing myself into acclimating Dylan into my home and now I’m ending it hanging out with Delaney. The shepherd is surprisingly well-trained, which makes me think he’s had actual K-9 training before, but he definitelyhatesmen.I haven’t been sleeping because my mind does nothing but race the seconds my eyelids close, every worst-case scenario popping up to keep me awake. For the first time in a really long time, I’m scared. And even though I know what I have to do, I just… feelfrozen and unsure.

Laney and I are currently sitting out in the grass outside the guest house on the edge of the Luciano estate where Delaney has been staying, watching Dylan play with a ball and basking in the early fall sun. Running blades of grass through my fingers, I sigh and flop onto my back to watch the clouds. The one directly above me looks like a pony or maybe a dragon—no, definitely a car. I feel Delaney lay next to me and ask, “Have you seen him lately?”

I know she knows I’m asking about Remy. “All the time. He’s made it his personal mission to know all of my business all of a sudden.” She nudges me playfully with her elbow before continuing, “So thanks for that, because it’s clearly a distraction ploy.” I don’t laugh at her joke, a deep sigh falling from her lips after a moment’s pause. “Bev, don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.”

I feel her gaze on me and turn my head to look at her. Her long dark hair is up in a sleek ponytail that I could never pull off, long legs dressed in riding pants with tall boots and a black tee. She has all the same features as her brother and the resemblance pangs in my heart. “I have to, Laney. I’m fucked up like that.”

She looks up at the sky, another big breath puffed toward the clouds as she shakes her head at me. “He’s fucking miserable, a shell of himself pretending to be fine.” She picks some grass at her side and tosses it. “Just like you, really.”

I twist to lay on my side, facing her, cheek propped up in my hand. “Is it that obvious?”

She nods, playfully throwing her next handful of grass at me. “It is. And it’s depressing.” She gets up, brushing grass from her clothes. “I’m lucky to be the baby of the family because I’m not expected to marry for money or power. I’m not even expected to do anything spectacular with my life. I have the privilege of just existing.”

I stand up, meeting her smart-ass smile with pursed lips. “Life issoeasy for the sweet and humble Delaney Luciano.”

We both know that’s not true and although part of what she saysisthe truth, her life isn’t as unproblematic as she likes everyone to believe.

She steps forward to wrap me in a hug. “Well, I have to go give a riding lesson up at the stables. You can stay as long as you want, I think the swans haven’t left for the season yet.”

I squeeze her back, smiling when she pulls away. “Thanks for inviting me. I needed this.”

Reaching out, she squeezes my hand softly before bending down to give Dylan goodbye scratches. “Call me, okay? I’m Remy’s sister but I’m also your friend, Bev. I’m here if you need me.”

I do need her, but the secrets I’m keeping aren’t things I can share. At least not without putting Delaney in a situation that isn’t fair for her to be in.

“I will.” I wave as she starts to back away, watching her retreating back for a moment before bending to scoop up the wrappers that had been left behind from our snacks. Dylan is back to playing happily with his ball, so I leave him and head for the kitchen trash. Looking out the window, I smile, seeing one of the made men attempt to play with him when his ball rolls in his direction. I’m putting away the things we left on the counter when I remember how Dylan is with men, rushing to look out the window at them.

They’ve started a game of tug-of-war with a toy I can’t see from here, Dylan’s tail wagging happily.That’s sweet.The made man looks over and notices me watching the two of them and waves, still holding strong onto the toy.That’s kind of weird. Smiling, I awkwardly wave back.

“Who are you waving at?”

Jerking around with a hand clutching at my chest, I find Donatello walking toward me, his head bent to look out the same window I had been peering through. He flashes a lopsided grin at my reaction, narrowly dodging the hand I smack at his arm. “You scared the hell out of me, Donatello! Why the hell are you sneaking around like that? And why are you even in Laney’s place?” He chuckles and looks outside while I add, “I was waving at that guy playing with my dog, Dylan. He waved first, by the way.”

With a loud guffaw, Donatello pulls out his phone, eyeing me. “Dylan is ripping that guy’s shirt off, Bev. I don’t think they’re playing.”

I look again. “Wait, is he really? That’s not a toy they have?”

Donatello has his phone up to his ear but tips his gaze to me again, his head shaking. “No, that’s definitely his shirt.” He looks back out the window, talking into the phone. “Where are you? Bev’s dog is attacking the guards at Laney’s place. Huh? No. I told her, but she said they’re playing.” He looks over, sees my scowl, and puts a hand over his mouth to prevent a laugh from coming out. “Okay, I’ll tell her. Send Andrea over here. What? No. Just do it. Okay, bye.” Hanging up and slipping his phone into his pocket, he looks back at me, “Julian says you need to get your dog, but I think you should wait for Andrea to get here and make him do it.”

I shoot him an annoyed glance before looking back outside, my feet already moving toward the door. “I don’t know, it seems like maybe I should intervene.”

His phone is pulled from his pocket once more at its chime, his fist pressed against his lips as he practically yell, “Andrea’s already pulling in!”

Flashing a wild grin, he’s completely oblivious that he just blew my eardrum.

“Dylan fuckinghatesAndrea.”

Wait, what?