Page 40 of Oath of Redemption

I hum, pulling out my phone to look at the time—we better be. I promised Bev I’d be home for dinner and I’m not about to miss anything with her even as simple as that after working so hard to get her back.

Feeling us come to a stop, I do a mental catalog of what weapons I have on my person, tapping my fingers on the brass knuckles I keep in my inner pocket. They’ll make me strip my guns, but I’ll be keeping these. Glancing at Donatello I see him do the same before we both get out.

My men wrap around us as we walk toward the door of an old Russian Orthodox church, and I raise my brow at the look Donatello gives me. Aleksi is quite the bible thumper for someone who slit throats and runs a prostitution ring. Walking past the pews and empty benches, the smell of dust and potpourri make the air feel thick and heavy. Giant old iron windows cast yellow beams of light along the floors, the light tapping of our shoes on the marble floors echoing up to the high ceilings.

Finally, stepping up to what I assume is an office, two men approach our group, wordlessly demanding our guns. I hand mine over to my own men, who pass it along and I watch as they drop them into a cardboard box by the door.Really trying to impress us, I see.Donatello does the same, following me through a door that clicks shut at our backs.

“Remy, you look like shit.” Aleksi rasps out from behind his large oak desk, casually leaning back in the black leather chair. His words are heavily accented, and if I wasn’t familiar with him, I would have a hard time understanding it.

Aleksi’s light brown hair has receded from his forehead more than I remember, but he otherwise looks the same.

“Running an empire isn’t as easy as it looks.” I sit across from him, and Donatello mimics me. Aleksi gives a loud laugh, smacking the desktop with his hand. “I’m sure you’re aware that my fatherretiredrecently.”

Settling himself, he nods. “I heard.” He raises the glass that was already sitting on his desk. “Good for you.”

I snort, feeling the corner of my lip ticks with amusement. “You worked with my father before, I’ve worked with you and so have my men.” I start, watching his face as his head tilts as he listens. “I see no reason why we can’t create a merger of sorts. The Bratva owns a good portion of the South that I could use for imports. We on all of North that you could use. Working together would be mutually beneficial.”

His tongue picks at his teeth as he considers my words. “I agree, we could work very well together.” He pauses, eyes flicking between Donatello and I. “I would like help with one more job before I make my decision.” He leans back in his seat, fingers crossing over his stomach. “Consider it a test of trust for both parties.”

My eyes narrow. “What’s the job?”

“You know I’m a collector, yes?” His brow raises and I slowly nod as he continues, “Diamonds, gems, jewelry, that kind of thing.” He waves his hand, “Well, one of my diamonds has gone missing. And I think I know who did it, but I need help proving it and getting my diamond back.”

I share a brief look with Donatello, his elbows dropping to rest on his knees as he leans forward. “That’s it? Wolf could figure it out in a week, tops.”

He smiles but shakes his head, “I don’t want Wolf. I want that one boy of yours that has been running jobs a few years now, ah, the one with the tattoo.”

He points at his neck and I nod, “Julian.”

“Yes, him. I like him.” He licks his lips, “I want him to do it.”

I shrug. Wolf would get the job done sooner, undoubtedly, but I had faith Julian could handle it as well. “Done.”

Aleksi claps, bright teeth flashing. “Fantastic. Send him over this week. I’ll give him all the details he’ll need.”

Standing, Donatello rises with me. “He’ll be here.”

The leather chair creaks as Aleksi pushes out of it, nodding as I move toward the door, “I sense this will be a great start to our partnership.”

I pause as the door is opened from the outside, locking eyes with him, “Let’s hope so.”


My eyes skim over the crowd, flicking from one mask to the next. Remy sent me to the masquerade ball tonight for one reason, to find Anya Petrov. Despite my own doubts, Aleksi Ivanova was positive the woman stole a rare cut diamond from his vast collection of jewelry. Actually, he was convinced she has stolen something from nearly every rare gem collector this side of the nation—he believed her to be some kind of grand jewel thief. Finding people and information isn’t my fortay—I am no Wolf—but since I have been the one working closely with Aleksi for the last few years, he only trusted me.

Luckily, I have one main task—seduce the minx and get the information I need to bring her down. Theoretically, it should be easy enough. The night air is warm, almost too warm, with my black dress shirt and slacks. The silver mask on my face feels itchy, the shiny edges lightly scraping against my cheeks when I move. Pressing forward through the crowd, I move to get a better view of the entrance, knowing Anya was set to arrive any minute. As of yet, it was the only actual information I was able to gather about the woman.

She walks through the doors almost on cue, pale skin nearly shining in the dim lighting as she stands at the top of the stairs, eyes flickering leisurely over everyone else. The black and gold half skull mask she’s wearing blends seamlessly into the thick white gold braids that loop on the top of her head. A long, pale leg flashes from the high slit in her black fitted gown, the material hugging the small curve of her breasts and wide hips. A flash of red peaks out from the bottom of her stiletto as she starts down the steps and I move forward, trying to keep my eyes on her as she drops into the mingling bodies below.

My heart thumps in my chest as I watch the way she glides along the floor, moving effortlessly through the crowd as people part for her almost on instinct. Besides knowing she frequented these types of gatherings, no one had any solid information about where she came from or who she really was; it was all speculation. Despite that, I watch with fascination from the edge of the room as she moves, blending into the masses seamlessly, engaging in conversation with minimal effort.

She holds herself as if she were an elite.

Looking away for only a moment, she disappears.Damn it.Crossing my arms over my chest, I scan the area I’d seen her last. My back stiffens at the light drag of fingertips that starts at my shoulder and sinks across my upper back. My head swivels as I catch a hint of white blonde, my coming forward as Anya’s heels click to stand in front of me.

Her gray eyes are bright behind her mask despite the dim lighting, a slender golden brow arched as she walks her fingers up my chest. “You’ve been watching me.”

I grab her hand, stopping her fingers before they land on my throat. She doesn’t resist me. “Can you fault me for admiring a beautiful woman?”