Page 36 of Blood Feud

So that’s the female then.

She looked the part. Flawless skin, thick ribbons of hair that draped down past her waist. All angels were beautiful, as we were created in glory and honor and thy Father had blessed us with immaculate physique. But something about this particular angel had put me on edge. Perhaps it was that I hadn’t seen a female angel in some time, or perhaps it was how she had been looking at my Theodora. Even with my excellent hearing, I couldn’t pick up on what they were saying without moving from my spot by the door. Aware that I had been staring at the pair for quite some time, I turned my attention to Sariel. “What was she sent here for?”

When my eyes fell to him, they found that his gaze was also on the pair. “Treason.”

He didn’t elaborate and I didn’t question, instead I hummed, the sound rattling in my chest as I looked back just in time to watch the angel’s hand fall to Theodora’s skin.

No one touched Theodora.

No one but me.

I found myself yelling out to her before I could stop myself, my voice boomed loud over the rest of the noise. “Theodora.”

Every head in the room had turned to look at me but I paid them no attention, my eyes only on the demon whose head nearly snapped from her shoulders as she turned to glare at me. With a last whispered word she rose from her spot and started to walk toward me, her hands clenched at her sides. She had the same look on her face she always got when I called for her, one that I had grown rather fond of over the years.

One that I would look forward to breaking.

Her voice met me as she stopped before me, her booted feet stomping on the tile. She had to tilt her head back to look up into my face, a position I found rather suitable for her. “You called, Archangel Rafael.”

The way my name fell from her tongue was enough to ruffle the feathers that lined my wings, but I kept the urge at bay. “Go to my office. I will meet you there.”

With a hard pinch of her lips she walked around me, a sharp look directed toward Sariel before she was gone.

He turned and looked at me. “Do you think she’ll actually graduate this year?”

His question was innocent enough, but it sent a prickling of unease down my spine. She may have been in her last year here, but she was not ready to leave. She had not yet been saved. “We shall see, won’t we?”

After a long look at the angel, I spun. “Make sure she finds her way to her room. We don’t need her wandering the halls on her first night here.”

Sariel’s acknowledgment hit my back as I strode back to my office. With a palm on the door I pushed it open, and my eyes landed on Theodora. She glared at me from the center of the room, her arms crossed over her chest. The door shut behind me. “Make a new friend, Theodora?”

Her nose wrinkled with her sneer. “How is that any of your concern?”

I stepped close to her, my wings raised from my back, stretched out toward her. Her dark emerald eyes flicked between them before they settled on my face. Her chest rose and fell at a quickened pace, and the taste of her unease pierced the air. My hand clenched in my robes to stop myself from touching the flush that had started to color her skin. “You are a student here at St. Mary’s and I concern myself with everyone’s affairs.”

She snorted, teeth bared when I settled directly in front of her. My wings ached to touch her, but I wouldn’t let them. It was another test thy Father placed in front of me. A test of self-control.

“No. I made no friend. Especially with an angel.” She spat the last word, her hatred bleeding through every syllable. I knew my Theodora better than she thought, though. Knew her well enough to know when she lied. And now was one of those times.

“Lying is a sin, Theodora. I thought we went over that lesson already.” Her eyes darkened at the edges with the threat woven within my words, her body instinctually pulling on the magics locked within her even if they couldn’t be used.“I saw her touch you.”

My fingers jerked with the statement, the want to touch her practically burning my fingertips. My will was bent when she hissed through her teeth, the black ink of her magics moved to fill the entirety of her eyes until they were bled of all color—empty pits of starless night glaring up at me.

“You were mistaken,” she retorted, her voice deepened from her usual tone.

Her anger fueled my own and I lashed out, my palm rising to roughly grip the column of her throat.A small squeak slipped from her parted lips, and my breath ate it up as I closed the distance between us, my own bared teeth pressed to her lips as she struggled to pull in a decent amount of air. “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, Proverbs 6:16-17; 12:22.”

Her heartbeat stuttered against my fingertips, obsidian eyes blinking away tears she refused to let fall despite how hard I was crushing her windpipe. I loosened my grip just enough for her to suck in a decent breath as her hands clutched at the front of my robes, grabbing purchase to anything she could as she fought to breathe. She had learned a long time ago that fighting me was futile, but it didn’t stop her from trying. Something I was reminded of when her palm raised to slap against my cheek.

I ignored the sting that bloomed over my skin and shoved her backward so that her legs smacked against the edge of my desk. My wings lashed forward, trapping her where she stood. Her chest heaved as she glowered at me.

“Beg for forgiveness, Theodora.” I swallowed as my heart thumped inside my chest, beating a rhythm born from the excitement only Theodora brought. “Ask thy Lord to forgive you for your lying lips and I shall grant it.” I pressed forward, “But refuse and I shall punish you for your sins until you see the way of the light.”

I could see the internal fight that was beating against her will. Her nails bit into the skin of her palms as she stared at me, hacking breaths loud in the quiet office. My eyes followed her as she slowly sank to her knees, face tilted back to look up at me, her hair swaying in a sheet of silky darkness. I could barely hear the words that left her lips over the pound of my heart beating in my ears. My dick grew hard as I stared down at her, unable to fight off the arousal her position arose.

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen,” she started, and gooseflesh pebbled along my skin as I stared into the black pits of her eyes. Her voice deepened with untapped magics weaving between us, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been one day since my last confession.”

My lips tipped in a smile; her words were spat through gritted teeth, but they still tasted of berries ripened under the sun—bittersweet. One of my hands fell to the stiff erection protruding from my robes. I squeezed the head of my dick as precum dampened the fabric containing it.