Page 27 of Blood Feud

“Tha’s our cue ta leave,” I said, turning toward my SUV with Declan on my heels. It was pointless to remain here any longer. We’d seen what we needed to and I for one wasn’t about to put the blaze out. We’d let the mortals clean up the mess for us. The air in the cab was a fresh relief, only smelling slightly of the smoke from outside and growing even less murky the farther we drove away.

The cab was silent as we rode back to my estate, at least until Declan broke the silence, “’Twas nice tha other night.” My gaze met his across the seat, the question on my tongue obvious because he added, “Game night wit’ Ottavia. She’s bett’r than befer. Na tha’ she’s na ragin’.”

The last bit was said with a slight smile, a hint of a chuckle in the tone.

I didn’t smile or answer immediately. Instead, I looked back out the window. I’d successfully forgotten about her for a only a moment before he’d brought her up and reminded me again.

“She’s still a La Rosa,” I finally commented. “A t’ought ta remember befer ye get too attached.”

“Ye tellin’ me or yerself?” Declan asked, a tilted brow directed my way when I glanced at him.

“Both.” I held back the emotions I wanted to let out at the conversation, keeping them back so he couldn’t sense them. Ottavia was mine, there was no doubt in that fact, but she was not my partner. She was not my companion. She was justsimply, mine. And the longer we sat in silence in the car, the more I internally agreed that it was time to finish our bond. I’d waited long enough, and gave her time to adjust. And now I was going to complete the task I’d brought her here for.

Tonight she’d be wholly mine.

The perfect feed bag for my beast andnothingmore.


Chapter Twenty-Three

Ottavia’s room was dark when I opened her door, the light sound of her breathing coming from the bed. Light from the hallway streaked across the floor, brightening the space until I quietly kicked it shut at my back. It was nearly sunup, and if the soft almost inaudible snores that came from the bed paired with the even, slow patter of her heartbeat said anything, Ottavia was fast asleep. It would seem her sleeping schedule had finally synced up with the house schedule.

In the darkness I made my way to her bedside, and my eyes flickered over her sleeping silhouette as I bent to remove my shoes, toeing them off the rest of the way as I deftly unbuttoned my shirt. The garment dropped to the tiled floor in a softpuft.My trousers were the next to fall to the floor, and my knee dipped into the mattress as I climbed up onto it completely bare. My mouth watered at her scent wafting up from the sheets, her skin warm as I melded myself against her body, my beast rising to the surface of my skin.

Ottavia’s body tilted with my movement. Her body stirred, a sleepy, “Eoin?” rasping out of her throat as my fingers ran along her jaw, bringing her face near mine.

The way my name slipped past her lips was ecstasy all on its own. Whether it was said murderously, viciously, or filled with sleep, it was an angel’s choir.

“If ye were expectin’ anyone else, I’ll ’ave ta go on a killing spree.” She turned into my chest, her plump lips parted as my thumb ran over them, her body lax with the last vestiges of sleep. A flash of possessive anger burned below my ribs at the thought of anyone daring to touch her, but it was quickly thwarted when her fingers pressed into my skin.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a deeply rooted primal possessiveness over the little minx that went far beyond our growing bond. I’d known it that first moment I’d seen her dancing in Invictus. It’d been cemented in my lost soul with that first dangerous bite.

Even so, I had to remind myself it meant nothing.

“What are you doing here?” she finally asked, ignoring my comment. Her neck arched to the side, giving me better access to her when my mouth found her skin, my tongue carving a path of wet kisses from her shoulder to jaw.

“Ye remember wha’ I said ’bout bein’ mine?” Her body shuddered beneath me, a strange sense of pride strumming through my rib cage at getting the reaction without having to use pheromones. I quickly shut it down, my fangs scraping over her flesh.

“Yes.” The palm on my chest flexed, her other grabbing onto my bicep for purchase.

“T’night I’m makin’ good on tha’ promise.” I grabbed the blankets from her legs, yanking them off to run my palm up her thighs, pushing her hip so that she rolled onto her back. Sat up on a forearm, I hovered above her, meeting her gaze in the darkness.

She was a beautiful woman.

Even in the dark I could see the soft slope of her cheek, knew she had flecks of gold that danced in the honey irises that stared up at me, hooded with pleasure. My gaze flickered over her exposed body, knowing that under her clothing she had been blessed with curves that rivaled any man’s wet dreams.

She was too much for any man to handle, but thankfully for her,I was no man.

Her shirt had risen, her stomach exposed to the cool air, and my wandering fingers skimmed over it on their quest between her legs. Her thighs parted without resistance, a quiet moan drifting between us when I met her pussy, already needy and thick with slick as I rubbed her slit beneath her panties. Leaning forward, my cock pressed hard against her side, my hips rutting against her as I laved at her bite marks.

I wasted no more time, my fingers sinking into her cunt at the same time I allowed my fangs to pierce her flesh. Ecstasy rolled over me in waves, my body hovering further over the top of Ottavia’s so my teeth could sink deeper. She gyrated below me, loud moans ringing in my ears as I drew deep, long pulls of blood into my mouth. A growl erupted from my chest, blood trickled from the corners of my mouth as I drank from her, a sense of euphoria crashing into me as I completed our bond.

A brief, fleeting thought crashed through my brain that this was the first woman I’d ever felt compelled to create a bond with sinceher, but I quickly shoved it aside, too preoccupied with the writhing woman below me to dwell on the significance of it.

My fingers continued to pump in and out of her cunt, my palm grinding against her clit with each stroke. I could feel her first orgasm ripple through her body, her cunt squeezing my fingers, tugging them deeper as she wailed her release below me. My cock dripped onto her belly, swollen and hard, and wanting nothing more than to sink to the hilt into her tight cunt.

Blood dripped from my mouth onto her creamy flesh as I detached from her, my lips finding and crashing into hers. My tongue pressed into her mouth, forcing her to taste her blood as I kissed her hard, dominating her mouth as I tore her pants and underwear off. Her mouth broke from mine, blood smeared over her lips and cheek as I yanked her shirt over her head and tossed it to disappear somewhere in the room. Her heart thudded loudly in my ears, the sweet scent of her arousal driving me mad as my fangs pressed against my lower lip, aching to sink into her skin once more.