Page 23 of Blood Feud

“Aht aht. No, ma’am. Slow your roll.” Sable was getting used to my occasional outbursts and stomped this one down before it could really get going. “A bond cannot form unless both parties, consciously or subconsciously, want it. He wouldn’t even be able to compel you into the bond if you weren’t already interested in him.”

A flare of embarrassment flashed through me. So some part of me, no matter how small, had wanted him enough for the bond to start forming.

“Wait,” I said, confused. “Then why aren’t the donors getting bonded left and right?”

“Because only one bond can form at a time, so with multiple bites, they basically counteract one another. It’s actually quite genius from an evolutionary standpoint.” Bag packed, Sable hefted it onto her shoulder. “I’ve got to head out, but I’ll be back tomorrow, yeah?” She sent me a smile, all white gleaming teeth.

I nodded slowly, still musing on the information she’d given me. I waved my goodbye and sat with my thoughts.

I was almost asleep when my door banged open. Startled, I sat up suddenly, only to see the outline of Eoin in the doorway.

As he prowled closer, I realized he was covered in blood. And oddly, the sight didn’t disgust me like it used to. In fact, I found it… enticing.

He was sopowerful.

An apex predator.

And he was mine.

The thought sprang up unbidden and I immediately threw it away in that there was too much danger in it. I licked my lips, gazing at Eoin as he stood at the end of the bed. My fists clenched in the sheets.

“Are you here to bite me?” My voice was whispered and breathy, my pussy already clenching and slicking up just from his presence.

An elegant brow rose at my question and he leaned forward, bracing his arms on the end of the bed. “Ye want me bite, love? Want ta feel me teeth sink inta yer sweet neck?” Blood dripped from his cheek and landed on the quilt.

“No!” I shook my head rapidly back and forth, as if that would make my words true. “No, I don’t. I-I was just wondering if that’s why you were here.”

His eyes were a gleaming scarlet, and as I watched, they darkened to something almost black. “No, lass. I’m here ta satiate a different hunger.”

With that, he lunged at me, his larger form swallowing mine as he landed on top of me.


Chapter Nineteen

Her plump lips were parted, a slight pant breaking the stillness that had settled between us. With each labored breath, her breasts pressed against my chest, her heart thudding under my fingertips where they rested against the pulse point on her wrist. Wetness pooled between her legs whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not, the sweet nectar making my mouth water as I took in a deep breath. Leaning forward even further, my fangs pressed into the soft skin of her jaw, my tongue swiping out to taste the salt on her skin as I made my way to her ear.

“Ye can deny it all ye want, love, but yer mine.” My fingers trailed down her side, sunk into the elastic waistband of her leggings to finger the dark curls that rested above her cunt. Dipping lower, they brushed along her swollen little nub, my lips ticking into a smirk when her hips jolted below me. Lower, lower, lower they moved, until the slick that dripped from her cunt and coated her thighs was drenching my hand. “Yer body knows who it belongs ta, even if ye don’t.”

“It’s the… pheromones,” she argued breathily, her neck arching as I trailed my fingers through her slick.

“Nah, love. Na this time.” My tongue landed on her skin once again, pressed flat over her pulse point, my cock weeping where it pressed against the zipper of my trousers. Her heart beat roughly below my tongue, and spittle dripped from my fangs, running down the length of her neck as I fought the urge to bite her. She gasped when I finally pressed a finger into her cunt, her greedy pussy pulling it in deeper.

“You’re… lying.” The words barely made it out as her hips shifted against my hand, a low moan slipping past her lips when I added a second finger.

Her back arched up off the mattress, her sweatshirt rising high up her back with the movement to show more of her creamy flesh. “Yer such a stubborn wench, ye know tha’?” I asked, curling my fingers inside of her cunt.

She didn’t answer, or maybe she couldn’t. Her legs butterflied at her sides, allowing me better access to her greedy slit. Instead of giving her what she wanted, my fingers withdrew. Ignoring her needy whine at the loss of my fingers, I yanked her leggings off and over her feet, then flipped our positions, hauling her up by her hips and onto my lap. Her hands slapped out to grip the sheets, her thighs straddling my legs and her wet slit pressed to the front of my hard, clothed cock.

Chest pressed into her back, my teeth scraped along the shell of her ear, relishing in the shiver that racked her spine. “Na, are ye goin’ to keep arguin’, or are ye goin’ to dry hump me cock until yer cunt clenches?”

Her skin pebbled with gooseflesh at the question and I could smell more cream drip from her cunt.

“Ugh!” She groaned, her skin hot where I pushed up under her sweatshirt to palm her sides. “Just… just shut the fuck up.”

She hissed when my teeth grazed her shoulder, her hips beginning to shift in my lap. My hands bumped along the soft dips in her sides, rising to wrap around the front of her chest. The weight of her tits rested in my palms, heavy with arousal and the nipples hard, begging for attention. Fingers rising, they flicked at her rosy buds, my teeth just nicking the soft flesh of her throat when her head fell back to rest on my shoulder, but not enough to break the skin. One of my hands trailed up to cup the front of her neck, the other dipped low, pushing into her pants once more.

A throaty, needy moan parted her lips when I pressed against her clit, rotating my fingers in a way that had the slick gushing from her pussy and smacking loudly with each stroke. She shifted, her heels digging into the sides of my thighs as she pumped up and down, rubbing her cunt on my cock through the layers of clothing. My hand on her throat tightened, cutting off her breathing just enough that her breaths came out more labored.