Page 14 of Blood Feud

With a lingering glance, I spun away from her, making my way past the dead bodies in her room and the hallway, not bothering to shut the door.She won’t be waking up anytime soon.With a knock on the main hallway entrance, the door was unlocked and opened, one of the guards greeting me.

“Tha room needs ta be cleaned ’gain.” I could feel the unease wafting up from him and added, “Worry na, she’s been compelled ta sleep.”

He nodded as I passed, heading toward the main level of the house. “I’ll get it done, sir.”

Declan was in the living room, appearing to have been waiting for me when I entered. “She killed more men, eh?”

I nodded, lips pursing as I removed the gun from my waistband and tossed it onto a side table. “An’ she shot me ’gain.”

His chuckle warmed the space between us as he watched me sit down on the black loveseat nearest me. “’Tis been a hard few days fer her. Maybe ye should give her some time ta adjust befer yer next visit.”

My tongue picked at my teeth as he spoke.

“I can ’ave Sable talk ta her. Let her know she’s na alone here.”

I didn’t answer right away, but I agreed it could be beneficial to give Ottavia a few days to settle in. I couldn’t blame her for acting the way she has—I had no doubt that her father filled her head with all kinds of hate for us vampires. Most I’m sure weren’t even true or just scratched the truth. Thinking back on our first encounter, she hadn’t even realized I had a reflection.

“Yes, let’s do tha’.” My gaze flicked to his. “Although I ’ave a suspicion Sable ’as already introduced herself based on Ottavia’s change o’ clothes t’day.”

A smile split my lips at the comment. Despite Sable being a human, she was Declan’s woman, and as such, she did as she pleased when she pleased. If I wasn’t as fond of her as I was, I’d have had her head already for the number of times she’d gone directly against my orders just in the last month, let alone the last decade she’d been with us.

“Tha’ sounds like Sable.” He let out a loud breath, the shift in conversation growing more serious. “The La Rosas ’aven’t retaliated yet.”

With a nod, I picked at one of the holes in my shirt.Damn woman.“They will.” My eyes found Declan’s once more. “Mattia is a smart man where ’is business is concerned. I know he’s spendin’ this time plottin’.”

I stood, straightening my suit jacket. “I’d bet me last coin they’ll reach out ba tha end o’ next week.”


Chapter Twelve

Aknock on the exterior door to the room startled me out of my sleep. I sat up quickly, wanting to be prepared for whoever was coming inside, but my vision swam, swirling the colors of the room together until I was so disoriented I had to lay back down. I’d been successfully ignoring the raging headache my suspected concussion had left me with in favor of attempting to survive, but it was back this morning with a vengeance.

My mouth was bone-dry, and I suddenly wondered how long I had been asleep. On the edge of that thought was the simmering anger that always burned below the surface of my skin—I couldn’t believe Eoin compelled meagain. My lips curled up in a silent snarl. I was brewing over this when the hinges began to squeak and the door opened.

Sable’s dark head emerged from around the door as she peered inside, face lighting up as she spotted me. “You’re awake! Perfect. Got some food and water and towels for you, in case you want to shower.”

She carried with her the same duffel bag as before, propped on her shoulder and bulging with fullness from the items inside. In her hands she cradled two plastic-wrapped sandwiches and a bottle of water. After closing the door behind her and knocking to let the guards know they could re-lock it, Sable strolled to the bed and laid the contents in her hands on the quilt.

“It’s much nicer here now, right? All spick and span.” At her words, I sat up again—this time slowly—and gazed around the room. The bodies of the men I’d killed were gone, and there were no gleaming pools of blood shining on the black marble floor.

“Not having dead bodies on the floor isn’t much of a step up when you’re being held against your will,” I replied, voice deadpan.

Sable raised a brow. “If you would stop killing people, there wouldn’t be as many bodies.”

I didn’t have a retort for that so I just sniffed in reply. Killing those two kids still weighed heavily on me but I wouldn’t let the weakness of the guilt show on my face.

“Listen, I get where you’re coming from, okay? Being kidnapped? Not fun. Been there, done that, don’t want to relive the experience, so trust me when I say I do,truly, understand. But there are worse people to be held captive by.” Sable happily unwrapped the sandwiches before pulling out a paper plate from the duffel bag and setting them on it, totally missing the incredulous look I shot at her.

“Oh? Is that the silver lining I should be seeking when I’m being held prisoner? That there could be worse captors out there?” The sarcasm was heavy in my voice. “Like who, exactly?”

Because from where I was sitting, there was nothing worse than being a prisoner to a beast.

Sable’s voice was calm, even if her eyes had hardened by the time she looked up at me. “Your father, for one.”

My hackles rose. “My father is a good man.”

But Sable just shook her head slowly. “No, he’s not. And you know that, even if you aren’t willing to admit it right now. He kills people. He tortures them. Humans and vampires alike. He is absolutely not a good person.”