“Nah, the animals are those wretched dogs ye spend all yer time with. Ye ever crave their filthy knot up yer cunt, ye can ’ave me fist instead. I’ll wear ye like a watch, love.”
In spite of myself, his words burned through me. Igniting the simmering coals of my arousal, pushing me into a higher state of mindless pleasure. At some point, without my realizing, he’d released my wrists. I was using my hands against the far couch side for leverage to pound back against the gun. Two of his fingers were circling my clit with the perfect amount of pressure, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, until I was nearly mad with the need to come.
“Ye wanna come?” Eoin’s voice was beside my ear, teasing and threatening in turn. “Tell me ye want it.Beg me for it.”
“I’ll kill you,” I warned, meaning it. Even as my forehead dropped to the cushions. Even as I plunged my hips back. Even as I dripped out onto the gun and his hand, I meant it.
I would kill him someday.
But for now, for today…
I just needed release.
“Please.” The whispered word departed my lips like a plea, a prayer. I was a supplicant and he was my benefactor. “Please, please, fuck, please.”
“There’s a good girl. I want ye to come for me. Come on me hands. Tha’s it, love. Look at tha’—yer stunnin’ when ye come undone.”
Under the punishing thrusts of the gun barrel in my cunt and the rapid rotations of his fingers on my clit, I came with a yell. It was deep, and primal. Something guttural and pulled from my very core. It was a sound I’d never heard myself utter before and if I’d had the wits about me to be embarrassed, I might’ve been, but I was flying too high on the crest of my climax to care. I flattened out on the couch, my whole body relaxing as I fought to catch my breath.
Eoin eased the gun from my core, and I felt my cunt twitch, grasping at the fullness before releasing it. The vampire groaned at the sight of my clenching pussy. I heard a wet noise and turned my head to see what was happening, just as his tongue trailed up the black steel.
He was licking my juices from the barrel.
Mortification flooded my system as the last vestiges of my orgasm faded. I shoved myself to a sitting position, straightening my shirt so it covered my nudity. Against my will, my eyes trailed over Eoin, taking in his trim hips and wide shoulders, and the bulge that tented the expensive black slacks he wore. He cupped himself, which made me jerk my gaze to his face. I stared intently at the stubble on his cheek.
“Don’t worry, love. Ye’ll get a taste of me soon ’nough.”
My lip curled in a sneer.
“Ah, there ’tis,” he said. “Me favorite expression. Yer makin’ me cock harder with tha’ look.”
“You disgusting bastard.”
He just shrugged off my words and shot me a grin, fangs glinting in the lights. “Aye, tha’ I am.” He tucked the gun into the waistband of his pants after clicking the safety on.
Chapter Eleven
Tucking the gun into my waistband, I watched the La Rosa woman as she seethed on the couch.
Feck, she came beautifully.
A sentiment I’d never say aloud, simply because the woman didn’t need anything else feeding that pit of anger she held in her gut.
“Na, time fer ye ta rest.” My fingers wrapped around the back of her neck and pulled her up from the cushions. With heavy limbs, she scrambled to walk as I began to shuffle her forward in the direction of the bed. I lightly shoved her onto the quilted mattress, watching as she scuffled up onto it to prevent falling on the floor with another sneer aimed my way.
“What, you think you can force me to sleep?” She raged, “As if I’m going to—”
She made the mistake of meeting my gaze, her honey-hued orbs narrowed.
“Sleep, Ottavia. Don’t wake up ’til yer well rested.” Her eyes glazed over, her body slumping as she instantly fell asleep at my compelled command.
Grabbing onto the edge of the quilted blanket, I yanked it out from under her body. After fixing an arm that hung from the edge of the bed, I covered her up with the blanket, tucking it in tightly around her.
She looks almost peaceful when she’s sleeping.
A state I don’t think I’ll have the chance to experience in the near future.