Page 100 of Madd Love

Me: What do you mean? Are we talking extra therapy?

Dizzy: More like intense therapy. And it’s a little more risky than just talking. But then we’re talking about saving your man, so that’s worth a little risk, right?

Yes, but…

Me: How risky?

Dizzy: Let’s just say the medical board won’t let him practice legally. But he also hasn’t mentally incapacitated anyone either.

Me: That’s a broad spectrum.

Dizzy: I promise you’d be in the best hands.

Am I crazy for considering this? Probably, but… I need my memories back. This may be the only way to save Rogue. To finally convince Nicole to stay out of my life.

Me: Okay.

Dizzy: Meet me downstairs in ten.

Me: Now? In the middle of the night?

Dizzy: You want to get Rogue home as soon as possible, don’t you? Besides, I’m currently with West. He says he can help you, but he’s leaving town for a conference in the morning.

Me: Fine. I’ll be down in ten.

Dizzy: Whatever you do, don’t bring Jackson.

Me: I thought you liked Jackson?

Dizzy: Trust me, it’s not a good idea with West. He’s overprotective with me the way Rogue is with you. What about bringing Adira?

I try to wake my bestie but he’s dead to the world. It’s probably for the best because I have a feeling that he would question this non-sanctioned method of therapy. He wouldn’t like the idea of me putting myself through more trauma.

And neither would any of Rogue’s family. They’ve all been given instructions to keep me safe. No, this is my decision. Something I need to do for me.

I change into black leggings and one of Rogue’s big hoodies as quickly as I can. Then pick up my shoes and slip out of the bedroom.

Riot is asleep on the couch in the living room. Rebel and Summer must be in one of the guest bedrooms. It’s entirely quiet as I leave the apartment.

I expect to run into Jackson before I make it to the elevator, but I don’t. But then again, it’s three in the morning. He has to sleep sometime, and it’s not like he would expect me to try to leave without him.

The elevator descends smoothly to the ground floor while I put my shoes on.

“Everything okay?” the security guard on the desk asks me as I make a beeline for the door.

“I need some air,” I say. “Just a couple of minutes.”

“I’ll come with you.” He stands.

“Literally two minutes.” I hold up two fingers. “I promise. If I’m not back inside by then you can come and make sure I’m okay.”

“Okay.” He sits back down.

A limousine idles at the curb. As I move closer a door opens and Dizzy exits the long black car. “Does anyone know you’re out here?”

“No.” I glance over my shoulder, fully expecting Jackson to have realized I snuck out. But the street is empty except for a couple of cars that pass by.

"I’m so sorry.” Dizzy pulls me in for a hug. “We’re going to fix it.”