Page 67 of Madd Love

“I told you…?” My heart sinks. I hadn’t told him about Alec until after it was almost too late? Until after he kissed someone else. Until after we were… married?

I kept my connection to the man his whole family hates a secret? No wonder I was so willing to forgive, even though seeing him with another woman must have broken my heart.

“Ivy.” He tracks his hand through his hair again. “I am so sorry.”

I shake my head as I back up a step and almost trip over the gown at my feet. “No, you—”

He catches me before I fall. “I didn’t give you a chance to explain yourself. I didn’t think about everything we were to each other. All I saw was that you’d hidden your relationship to him from me for months, and I told you to leave.”

I kept him in the dark. I was the one who got it wrong. What was I trying to accomplish that would merit hiding the truth from the man I loved? My vision turns watery and my head swims. I press my fingers to my forehead. They’re shaking and my head has started to pound. My secret must have seemed like such a betrayal.

My knees buckle.

It’s only his grip on me that keeps the ground from rising to meet me too rapidly.

“Baby, I was so fucking wrong. I knew it the minute you were gone.” He falls on his knees in front of me. Pushing the hair back from my face, he clasps it with both hands. His forehead touches mine, watery gaze searching mine like he’s scared our connection will disappear. “But I was so angry that you didn’t tell me. Too proud to admit that I could love the sister of the man I hate. I couldn’t bring myself to come after you. And when I did… when I realized that your connection to him didn’t fucking matter, that it would never stop me loving you… it was almost too late. You were… I found you…”

“In Narnia?” My eyes brim with tears but I blink them back. I lost my memories of him. Our history. Our marriage. I almost lost my life. Over a secret? Over my brother? I broke my own heart and his along with it… for what?

The pounding in my head is the only answer I have. Whatever my reasoning is lost to me.

“Please, baby. Please forgive me.” He begs me with his eyes. “Or don’t. Because I don’t deserve it. At least not yet. Just don’t shut me out. I’m here fighting for us, because I love you.”

“Please stop.” I blink back more tears.

“I won’t stop loving you. I can’t.” He uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears while he barely restrains his own. “I love you so much. And I know we can get through this. But we’ve got to do it as one, baby. We have to find our way together.”

“Rogue.” I push at his chest. Doesn’t he understand that I’m the one who should be begging for forgiveness? If I’d come clean from the start, perhaps we wouldn’t have fallen in love, but I wouldn’t have hurt him either. Or maybe we were destined to find each other no matter the cost.

“I’m no good without you. And I know that your mind hasn’t stopped your heart…” He covers the left side of my chest with his palm. My heart booms underneath it. “You still feel us… even if you don’t believe it yet. Even if you don’t want to trust it. Deep down you know that we belong together. We will always belong together.”

I surge forward and kiss him.


“I feel us.” I smile at him. “And I’m sorry that I kept such a big secret. I wish I hadn’t—”

He claims my mouth with a fierceness that leaves me breathless. Our lips cling then seek then bite. His tongue thrusts and demands and I surrender to the storm of emotion and lust with a whimper.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m right here, baby.” He kisses my cheeks. My jaw. My eyelids. “I will love you with every breath, every heartbeat, and action for the rest of my life.”

His lips collide with mine again. Fuse.

Our tongues tangle and slide as we tumble to the floor. Him on his back and me on top of him. I straddle his thighs as I help him out of his shirt. He makes short work of pulling the belt from the loops on his jeans and tossing the leather aside.

The button comes undone under my insistent fingers.

My bra is a little harder for him to remove due to the cast. It gets tangled on the plaster, but who cares when his tongue is flicking my nipple like that?

His teeth graze my sensitive flesh and send delightful shivers spiraling through me that cause me to rock over his magnificent erection. “There’s still too much clothing between us.”

“I can fix that.” He clasps the back of my head and draws me in for another kiss. The other arm around my back he turns us both over so that my back meets the carpet.

For the second time tonight material is ripped, but this time it’s my flimsy panties that give to his strength.

“I guess there’s no saving them.” I smile up at him.

“I’ll buy you more. A truckload.” His eyes are hooded, his gaze full of heat as he makes quick work of taking off his pants. “A boatload.”