Page 40 of Madd Love

It had taken me forever to fall asleep last night. With all the tension that had coiled in my muscles every time I recalled the way Ivy looked at me like she wanted me, I’d struggled to get comfortable.

I’d ended up giving in to the frustration and come to the visual of getting my mouth on her pussy. Flicking that tight little bean with my tongue until she fell apart for me. I’d woken up a few hours later with her blood all over my hands and clothes and her name tearing from my throat.

I’d tried to run from those memories on the treadmill for over an hour before the sun came up.

“I want to check out the new Lulu Blues,” Adira says. “And we should buy you something with wide sleeves that isn’t a man’s hoodie. It’s cute for around the house, but eventually you plan to venture out in public, right?”

“Do I?” Ivy raises a brow at me, questioning my resolve to keep her at home.

“I know it’s scary out there.” Adira holds her hands. “Your brother’s arrest is all over the news. Your man’s reputation is being vilified in real time by your hag of a mother. God knows what else that ruthless bitch is doing behind the scenes.”

“Don’t forget I don’t know who I am,” Ivy says, letting her fears roll off her tongue. “And my husband doesn’t want me out of his sight.”

“He what?” Adira’s scorn burns into my back.

“I’ll come too.”

“What?” Ivy lifts her gaze to meet mine. She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

I take a breath. So much for giving her space inside the confines of the apartment. “I’ll take you shopping. Both of you shopping. On me.”

“That’s not… you don’t have to.”

“Doesn’t have to?” Adira arches his neck and gives her an incredulous look. “Are you serious, girl? Of course he has to.”

“Besides, I want to.” More than that I want Ivy to be happy. I want to give her everything she desires. I want her to realize that she can trust me. “Can you give me a couple of minutes to get ready? And then we’ll go.”

“Get ready, lover boy,” Adira croons as I walk away.

I have no doubt my wallet is in for a world of pain. But I don’t care if Adira thinks I’m going too far. He agreed with me. This is the best place for her right now. With me. With my security team. She’s safer this way.

“Rogue, wait.” Ivy races after me.

She hesitates. Still so uncertain of what we could be… if only she’d trust me again. I fucking love her. It hurts to know that with my entire being I want every day of her future, when she doesn’t remember more than one of our yesterdays. “What is it?”

“Thank you.” She curls her fingers in my shirt and lifts up on tiptoe to kiss me. It’s a quick peck on the mouth. Barely a brush of lips. And it steals the breath from my lungs as thoroughly as the many far dirtier kisses we’ve shared.

I go after her mouth like it’s cocaine. Squeezing the back of her neck with one hand, I press her into the wall as I taste that vanilla gloss on her lips and the strawberry sweet recesses of her soft mouth. God, I’ve missed this. Missed her.

She hooks her cast around my neck and her leg on my hip when I trace my hands down her sides. I’ve missed the way her leg rides my hip when we fall asleep together. I’ve missed the way her body is made to fit with mine. It arches now and she moans as I grab her ass and grind her against me.

Her tongue is in my mouth. It wars with mine. Begs for more. For me. For there to be no beginning or end between us. Her body is molten as I lift her up and balance us against the wall. I inhale her scent. Her perfume and her arousal. It drenches my senses. Destroys my sanity.

“Ouch.” She moans into my mouth a second before she pulls back, pain in her eyes. Tears cling to her lashes.

They break my chest. I smooth her hair from her face as I search for her pain. “What hurts?”

“Ribs,” she says as she closes her eyes and concentrates on slowing her breathing.

“Okay, baby. I’ve got you.” I carry her back to our bedroom, her bedroom, the one I don’t belong in yet. The one I will inch my way back into with every chance she gives me.

“Ivy? You okay?” Adira sashays in as I lay her down on the bed. He raises one eyebrow at the two of us.

“Should I get the doctor?” I ask.

Ivy covers her sore side with her hand as her cheeks turn crimson under Adira’s all-seeing gaze. “I think I’m okay.”

“No, we need the doctor.” I need to know that she’s okay. That I didn’t hurt her. That I didn’t somehow puncture a lung with that cracked rib or something. Oh God, is that possible?