Page 20 of Madd Love

“If they are successful, it means you won’t be allowed near her for three years. And up to five.”

The world tunnels. Three years? I can’t breathe through the knot in my throat. “That’s not—”

“Can we fight it? Can we sue them?” Rebel is asking.

“We can do both of those things,” Jason says. “We also have the fact that this order has been filed by someone other than Ivy. I can have this thrown out of court in a couple… Tuesday at the latest.”

“Fuck.” I smash my fist down on the counter. The plate of pancakes jumps from the force. That’s still four days. I can’t leave Ivy vulnerable when they finally release her from the hospital. “It’s got to be Monday.”

“I would suggest you keep your temper, appropriate or not, under control.” Jason eyes my fist. “And follow the rules of the order. No doubt you’re fighting an uphill battle with the media already. Acting like a violent asshole won’t help your case. With the public or a judge.”

“I know.” I shove both hands in my pockets.

“Do you?” He picks up his briefcase. “Do you understand that I can’t help you if you undermine what I’m doing because you can’t keep your emotions in check?”

“Hey, it’s been a rough night,” Rebel backs me up.

I’ve got it,” I say.

“Good.” Jason angles his head and his gaze narrows. “Is there anything else you should tell me?”

I rub my thumb over my knuckles. “I might have punched a reporter.”

“Of course you did.” Jason’s expression darkens. “When?”

“This morning. During Nicole’s live statement. While they were calling Rogue an abusive stalker,” Rebel says. “The guy had to be a plant.”

"I can work the emotional distress angle if he becomes an issue.” Jason turns to leave. “I’ll let you know as soon as we have a hearing.”

“We’ve got evidence Alec drugged Ro,” Rebel tells Jason. “She’s going to take it to the police and have him charged.”

Jason stops. “Does he know?”

“Not that we are aware,” Rebel says.

“Actually he most likely does by now.” I puff up my cheeks because I’m about to look like an idiot. “I kind of lost my temper while I was arguing with Nicole.”

“Oh, Rogue.” Summer sighs. “You didn’t.”

“Rochelle should move on this now.” Jason puts down his case and takes his phone out of his jacket pocket. “Today. It’s going to be hard enough that she didn’t come forward earlier. You don’t want to give them time to build their defense. I know the cop you want on this. He’ll come out to the house.”

“I’ll call Marty. See if we can coordinate the news drop with Alec being charged.” Summer leaves the room, already tapping in the journalist’s number.

“And Ivy?” Because as much as I’ve wanted this for Ro, Ivy is my main concern now.

“Stay out of trouble for the next three days. That’s it. All you have to do.” He holds up a finger to silence me when I open my mouth to agree. “Hey, Ruiz. I have a client I’d like you to meet. Let me give you the address.”

Chapter Seven


Sweatdripsdownmyforehead and into my eyes as I take another swing at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling of my twin’s home gym. The heavy leather bag sways on its chain, the thick metal squeaking under the impact.

It’s been almost forty-eight hours since the last time I laid eyes on Ivy. One more day until they release her.

My lungs burn as I power my fist into the side of the bag. My shoulders are starting to ache and my pulse pounds in my ears. I feel powerless. Helpless. All this waiting is making me crazy.

The air rushes out of me as the white wraps I’m using to cover my busted knuckles start to turn ruby under the constant rhythm.