Page 3 of Madd Love

I told her once I would do anything to protect her from harm. But I didn’t. What if I lose her? What if it’s too late to take back these past two days? “Fight, baby. I need you to fight. You have to be stronger than you’ve ever been. Don’t leave me, okay? You have to stay with me. You have to wake up for me.”

“The ambulance should almost be there,” the operator tells me.

“I can hear the sirens.” Albeit vaguely, but they grow louder every second.

I climb to my feet with Ivy in my arms. She’s like a ragdoll as I carry her through the apartment to the front door and out into the street to meet the EMTs. My heart pounds with each step I take.

Two men in uniform exit the back of the transport and rush toward me with the gurney.

“Fight for me, baby. Don’t you dare let go now.” I press a kiss to her forehead before I lower her onto the rolling bed.

They hustle around her as we move toward the ambulance. Blood is already seeping through the makeshift bandages as they climb inside the transport.

“She’s lost a lot of blood… damage to the artery… heartbeat is faint…”

They converse rapidly and all I can do is watch and listen and pray. It’s so fucking surreal.

“We’re going to have to transfuse her. What’s her blood type?”

“I-I don’t know.” I should know. I should be able to tell them what they need to know to save her. I bury my face in my hands. “Why didn’t I ask? I should have asked. I should have taken note.”

“It’s okay.” He clamps a hand on my shoulder. “We can still treat her.”

“I’ll start her on O neg,” the guy behind him calls out. “We need to go.”

“I’m riding with her,” I say when the first one jumps out.

I’m climbing in when the one in charge of Ivy shakes his head. “No, you’re not.”

“The hell I’m not.” There’s no way I’m letting her out of my sight. “I have to be there in case… I can’t leave her.”

“Not in here,” he barks.

“He’s right,” the other guy says as he shoves me back so he can exit the transport. He shuts the doors, blocking my view of Ivy. “He needs the space to look after her. You’d only be in the way. You can ride in front.”

I race around to the front and climb in opposite him as my phone starts to ring. My phone screen lights up with Rebel’s name. The first responder must have hung up when he heard the EMTs. The casing cracks in my fist as we peel away from the curb and head toward the hospital.

“Please don’t give up, baby.”

Chapter Two


Thedoctorsarewaitingwhen we arrive. I jog to keep up with them as we bypass the waiting area and move deeper into the hospital.

The head doctor barks orders to his attending as we race to get Ivy into an operating room. She’s lost a lot of blood. They suspect damage to the artery with at least one of her wounds but they won’t know the extent until they start working on her.

The tubing the EMT placed in her vein still runs red while a nurse holds the blood bag up high enough for gravity to do its job.

Ivy seems so small. So vulnerable. I don’t take my eyes off her. I can’t. “Hold on, baby. You’re a survivor. You’re going to get through this just fine.”

“Keep him here,” the doctor orders.

A nurse grabs my shoulder as they roll Ivy through a set of doors. “You can’t go in there.”

“I love you, Ivy,” I yell, so that she’ll hear me even though I can no longer see her. “I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

“She’s in the best hands now.” The nurse’s grip on my shoulder tightens enough to keep me from trying to follow.