Page 12 of Madd Love

“What’s going on in here?” The doctor enters the room followed by the nurse. “Ivy is supposed to be resting.”

“Call security,” Nicole says. “Tell them to escort this man out. He’s not allowed anywhere near my daughter.”

“Isn’t she his wife?” the doctor asks.

“Domestic abuse,” Nathaniel says, buying into the idea that Ivy and I are indeed married. “It’s not the first time.”

“It’s bullshit.” My blood pressure is spiking and the tops of my ears are burning. “You’re making shit up.”

“I assure you her injuries are very real, Mr. Maddox.” The doctor glances at Nicole as though looking for confirmation. “Along with multiple bruises, she has a broken wrist.”

“What?” The cast that is so much bulkier than the bandage on her other wrist. I noticed it earlier but I assumed it was tied to the surgery. Certainly didn’t think she’d have broken it. “Why would she have a broken wrist? That’s bone…”

“She also has a crack in one of her ribs,” the doctor adds. “They’ll be in my report unless Ivy tells me the cause was not malicious.”

“She’s paying you to say that, isn’t she?” I glare at Nicole. It’s the only thing that makes sense. “Whatever she offered you I’ll double it.”

“There’s no money.” The doctor turns gray above the collar of his white coat. “I’m only reporting on what I see.”

“I didn’t cause those injuries,” I fire back. My sin is in not being there when she needed me. I would never… but there’s someone who would. “What about her brother? What about Alec? He’s violent. He’s dangerous.”

“Alec loves his sister,” Nicole says. “He would never hurt her.”

It’s all lies, and she knows it. “Then where is he? Why isn’t he here? Where was he last night, huh?”

“Alec is worried sick. I told him not to come. Both of my children have ended up in the hospital because of you and your brother.” She pulls a tissue from her bag and carefully dabs at her eyes as she addresses Ivy. “Just look at what this man has done to you. What his family has done to your brother.”

“I didn’t fucking do it,” I shout.

Ivy whimpers. “Oh no.”

Shit. I’ve scared her. I sink down to her level and reach for her gently. “Baby, I’m so sorry. You know I would never hurt you. Tell them.”

“I…” Ivy yawns.

“Doctor, security, please,” Nathaniel says.

The doctor takes out his cell phone. “It might be wise to consider leaving before security arrive.”

“Ivy hurt herself tonight, and you’re more concerned with removing me from the picture than you are worried about her?” I snarl at the lot of them. Possibly she was hurt by her brother too. Did she think her only chance to get away from him was to end it all? “If there should be a restraining order against anyone it should be you two. And Alec as well.”

“Don’t talk about my son.” Nicole clutches her pearls so tightly her knuckles turn white.

“He’s a goddamn psycho. Your own daughter is terrified of him,” I snap at her as I drop my gaze to the woman in the bed. “He’s abusive. He’s a criminal.”

Nicole’s gaze pops. “You’re lying.”

“Stop covering for him.” I stand, towering over her. “We have proof that he drugged Rochelle Kitt. We have proof that he assaulted her. We’re going to take it to the cops. Pretty soon everyone is going to know what a piece of shit he really is.”

The color drains from her face, and I almost smile. It should feel like a victory, but it doesn’t. Not when this stupid restraining order means I can’t protect Ivy from her own mother. When security shows up I am going to have to leave. I can only be thankful that Ivy will be safely tucked away for the next three days while I deal with this legal issue.

Ivy’s voice is pained when she speaks. “My head hurts.”

“I’m so sorry, baby.” Turning my back on Nicole, I focus on the woman I adore. Ivy is all that matters. I brush her hair away from her face. Kiss her temple. “Rest now, okay?”

“I can’t believe I’m married to you.” She smiles widely as she starts to doze.

“Get him out of here,” Nicole orders as two men in uniforms stride into the room. “Get him out of here right now. I don’t want him upsetting her any more than he already has.”