Page 72 of Madd Love

“We could always take care of it ourselves,” Dizzy says. “We could put a bomb under her car. I’m sure I’d be great at explosives.”


“Wishful thinking.” She grins from ear-to-ear as she stands. “How about I help you get rid of those tacky roses. And you can decide how you’re going to tell Rogue later?”

“That would be good.” I need some time to work out the best way to handle Nicole so that she understands there is nothing she can do to get between us. And to minimize how he’ll react when I tell him about it.

“What’s your bodyguard’s name?” Dizzy asks as she picks up the arrangement.


“Ooh, sexy. I like that.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Jackson, will you please help me dispose of these roses? Ivy is allergic.”

Jackson strides into the room and takes the flowers from her. He gives me the once over but says nothing about my lack of symptoms. “Everything okay, Miss Love?”

“Yes. I just need those roses gone. They’re giving me a headache.” Which they are. A Nicole sized headache. I rise to my feet, the card carefully folded in my hand. “I think I’ll go and lie down. Sorry to cut our visit brief, Dizzy.”

“It’s fine.” She waves me toward the bedroom. “Jackson is going to help me to the elevator. And I am going to message you later and see if you’re feeling better. Perhaps we can organize to catch up again then.”

“I’d like that,” I say before I turn and walk into the bedroom.

A moment later the front door shuts, leaving me temporarily alone. I lay back on the bed and I watch that video of Rogue punching the reporter a dozen more times. Flinching each time his fist connects with the man’s face.

“Don’t watch it,” I order myself. It doesn’t give me the full picture. It only shows me what Nicole wants me to see. Still I find myself unable to stop.

I want to believe that the man I’ve gotten to know is the real deal. I want to believe he had a very good reason for his loss of control. But I’d be lying to myself if I said the look in his eyes didn’t frighten me. How far will he go if I tell him about the note?

I want to pretend that I can ignore Nicole’s warning and that will be enough for her to go away and leave us in peace. And that I’ll never have to see how Rogue reacts when I tell him.

We’re happy now. Maybe I will never have my memories back, but I don’t need them to fall for Rogue all over again. I already am.

This warning threatens every shred of happiness we have. How far will Nicole take it if I don’t do what she wants? She filed a restraining order against Rogue. She slandered his name all over social media. I can only imagine what comes next.

My hands shake as I tear the cardboard into tiny pieces that I drop into the box my phone came in. The note that I saved from Narnia, but haven’t been able to bring myself to read, is in there too. I put the box at the back of a shelf in my closet. Hide it behind a pile of sweats.

If I don’t give it another thought maybe Nicole will realize she’s lost her power over me.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Thereisaboxon the table in the foyer. It’s wrapped in blue paper and tied up with silver ribbon. A card is attached to the carton under the ribbon.

“Jackson.” My voice shakes as I clutch at my belly. My lungs tighten with every breath. It’s been three days since the roses were delivered. Three of the best days.

Rogue isn’t so guarded anymore. He isn’t so over the top with his need to protect me, which means we’re getting along better. Enjoying each other more.

We took a ride to the park where we had our first date so long ago and made a new memory. It was bittersweet because it used to be my special place with my dad. And now it means even more to me.

He took me and Dizzy to a prescreening of his new movie, where we met the cast and directors too. And he’s given me space to be alone, as long as Jackson is with me. To spend time with Dizzy or just hang out in the apartment.

We’re growing closer with each passing day. Well, I am to him. I suppose he was all in long before the first moment of us that I remember. He said that he hoped I would eventually feel like he’s my home. Like I am for him. And the more time we spend together without all of the fear and half-truths and him being beyond overprotective, the more I do feel like that.

I’ve managed to put Nicole to the back of my mind until now. I almost convinced myself ignoring her would be enough to make her leave us alone.

“Yes, Miss Love?” Jackson puts his book down on the chaise and stands.

“Do you know where that came from?” I point to the box.