Page 51 of Madd Love

“This isn’t healthy either,” he says. “She’s desperate to know. She wants to be able to trust you. Keeping all of this from her isn’t helping her connect to the time she’s lost. That’s another reason why I’m leaving. You need time to reconnect. Me being here is just giving you both a middleman.”

“You don’t need to leave,” I say. “She needs you.”

“No, she wants me because I’m safe and she knows it,” he says. “She needsyou. You’re the man that has helped her grow and thrive. The man that she’s head over kitten heels in love with, despite this drama. So pull your head out of your ass and find a way to help her now.”

I snort under my breath. “Okay.”

“Perhaps start off small. Only push as far as you can before the negative outweighs the benefits,” he says. “And for queen’s sake do tell her what you were doing with Marty.”

“It’s not that easy.” At least not when it comes to the discussion I had with Marty. She told me there are some things about Ivy’s background that don’t add up. Like how Richard Love and Nicole Hawthorne weren’t mentioned together anywhere—in any publication—until six months after Ivy was born. Even if Nicole wasn’t a big name, at the time Richard was a well-recognized philanthropist. And it was his second marriage. After his first wife disappeared.

She’s running on a hunch. Reporter’s instinct. And that nose of hers is telling her that this matters.

In the meantime I can’t even tell Adira about it because he’s Ivy’s cousin. We simply don’t have enough to know what we’re looking at. I’m certainly not going to blow Ivy’s world to pieces when she’s already been through so much. Not without something concrete.

“Nothing worthwhile ever is,” he says over his shoulder.

“What about her phone?” I went ahead and had Adira custom order Ivy a new one since her phone seems to be long gone. A pretty, special edition with all the bells and whistles.

It even has a tracker, not that I’ll use it. Adira vetoed any thought I might have had of keeping a digital eye on her. He did however agree that it could be handy in case of an emergency. And as long as Alec is a free man we’re both paranoid enough to be worried about her safety.

We might not be able to prove he hurt Ivy or caused her to hurt herself, but we sure as hell can be cautious.

“I arranged for it to be delivered here,” Adira says. “ It’ll be a couple more days at the most.”

“That’s too long,” I call out.

“Flashy things take time, sweetie.” He disappears around the corner.

I grab my water bottle and the package and head for the bedroom I’ve been sleeping in since Ivy came home. I need a shower. I need a good night’s sleep and Ivy in my arms too, but that doesn’t seem likely. So I settle for a shower.

Tossing the package on the bed, I step into the bathroom and turn on the water. Steam fills the space as I strip out of my shirt and tug at the string on my sweatpants. The way Ivy looked at me the night I helped her shower comes roaring back to me.

Adira must have given her a hand since then, because she certainly hasn’t asked for my help. And any idea that she might have let me be her toy now feels unlikely.

Sweats on the floor, I step into the shower. While I soap up, I try not to think about how I’d let her use me, if she only said the word. And I totally succeed. For sixty seconds. But then images of us overwhelm my noble intentions.

She’d ride me, of course. My grasp on her hips helping as I lift her up and down on my cock. Angling her just right to hit all those places that need friction while making it as easy for her as possible so her injuries don’t hurt. I’d build the pressure slowly so that when she does orgasm the pleasure is so intense she doesn’t ever want to come back down.

As the suds run down the drain I wrap my cock in my fist and tug. Nice and easy. Letting my thoughts build on each other while I stroke myself. Until I’m pressing a palm into the glass and groaning with the tension.

I stop before I come. Showering alone without her. Getting off to the fantasy because we’re not speaking. It doesn’t cut it. I don’t want my hand. I don’t just want to come. I want my girl. I want her screaming my name the way she used to when I’d bring her to climax with my fingers and tongue. God, I miss that. I miss her. And the way she felt wrapped around my cock.

Shutting off the shower, I grab a towel and dry off enough that I’m not trailing water through to the bedroom.

Something crashes elsewhere in the apartment and I freeze in place.

Ivy screams.

I break into a run.

Chapter Eighteen



1. Buy a vibrator.