Page 37 of Dangerous Control

“My call time’s not until six.”

“Oh, okay.” Ella let out a breath and looked at her friend. “So, the reason we’re here is that we heard through Fort and Devin that you and Milo had a…”

I waited to see what we’d had. A fling? A one-night stand?

“A falling out,” Juliet provided as Ella fell silent. “Milo confided with Fort about what happened between you.”

“Not all the details,” said Ella quickly, in a way that made me think she knew way too many of the details. “Just that you found his dungeon, and the two of you played in there a little, and that things didn’t go well.”

“That’s the thing,” I said, scratching my temple. “Theydidgo well, in my mind at least. But he was like,that’s that, we’re not doing anything else, I don’t want to hurt you, blah blah blah.So, you know…” I was the one to shrug this time. “I felt like I had to move out, because I couldn’t think of him as ‘just a friend’ after the things that went on.”

“Nothing he did upset you?” asked Ella.

“No, I enjoyed all of it. I mean, I guess you know what he’s into.”

They both nodded, and Ella blushed, biting her lip. “Full disclosure: we’re into it too, Alice. The BDSM, the power exchange and sado-masochistic stuff.”

“Cause it’s fun, right? I really liked all the crazy stuff he did. He bound my hands and spanked me, and used—” I gestured toward my breasts.

“Nipple clamps?” Juliet provided.

“Yes. He even choked me once. Well, a few times. Not real choking, but you know, gripping my neck really hard. He thought it was too much for me, but it wasn’t too much at all. It’s like he’s ashamed of the kinky activities he enjoys.”

“I don’t know,” said Ella. “Maybe he’s just worried about letting his sadist flag fly around someone new. Someone…inex­perienced.”

I tried hard not to roll my eyes. “I guess he’s used to playing with more experienced people. I get it, but there’s more between us. We have a longtime connection.”

Juliet looked down at her ring, straightening it on her finger. “I heard Milo tell Fort that he loved you.”

“I guess. Unfortunately, he loves me like a sister. Or a cousin.”

“No, it’s more than that.” She leaned closer, meeting my eyes. “He and Fort talked about you for a long time, and I wasn’t supposed to be listening, but I was just so fascinated to hear Milo say that he loved someone, and that he didn’t know what to do.”

“Because Milo always knows what to do,” said Ella.

I looked at them, wishing they’d say what they’d come here to say. The more they talked about Milo, the more I remembered our torrid night, and the worse I felt. “Milo’s made up his mind about me,” I said. “He ‘respects me too much’ to take things any further. It was a brutal conversation.” I looked around at Ella’s mostly bare apartment. “That’s why I had to come here. He didn’t want me to go to a hotel.”

“Because he cares about you,” said Juliet.

The women exchanged a look again, Juliet dark-haired, and Ella as blonde as a northern Swede. Then both of them fixed their eyes on me.

“I’m just going to say this.” Ella moved closer to where I sat. “Milo Fierro is kind of famous at this club we go to, for being the most hardcore guy.”

“A club? Is it Underworld?”

Both of them shook their head. “It’s a private club. I can’t tell you the name, because that’s how private it is, but I can tell you that it’s open every Saturday night, and Milo goes a lot.”

“Well, he went a lot before you moved in with him,” Juliet said. “Not so much the last few weeks. Our friends have been asking about him.”

“You go to this club too?”

Ella nodded. “Occasionally. Not so much anymore. It’s harder to go when you’re in a monogamous relationship, because of the sharing rule.”

“The sharing rule?”

Juliet jumped in. “There are five rules for submissives at The G—” She mashed her lips shut. “At this secret club. The first is that you have to be taken there by a sponsor, a Dominant who’s a member. You can’t just show up. The second rule is that your sponsor can share you with anyone else who’s there.”

My mouth dropped open. Two rules in, and I was aghast. “You mean, strangers?”