Page 68 of Deep Control

“I can agree to it.” She hesitated, just a little, but that was okay, because it meant she was thinking about what she was saying, really considering my words. We’d tried being casual, and it hadn’t worked. I was ready to go all in.

“Are you sure?” I asked in my Dom voice.

“Yes. Please, Sir. Pain and a relationship. Those both sound really good.”

She was smiling now, her eyes twinkling with lust. God, I loved that she was lusty; I couldn’t wait to get her alone after all this time. I’d show her pain and a relationship, and how wonderfully they could go together. I’d show her that being with me was way better than being without me, especially when it came to satisfying her masochistic urges. I brought her hand to my lips as the driver looped into the hotel courtyard. I was aching to get her upstairs.


As soon aswe got in the room, I picked up my suitcase and positioned it near the edge of the bed. Then I turned to Ella with an arch look. “You wanted punishment, didn’t you? I can help with that.”

She shrugged off her sweater, staring at the suitcase. “Um… Maybe we’re taking this whole re-enactment thing too far.”

“I don’t think so.” I unbuckled my belt, pulling it from the loops. “You need this, I want to do it, and it seems like an appropriate way for the two of us to reconnect. Plus, I’m still a little irritated about the Milo thing.”

“Just a little?” she asked hopefully.

“Pretty damn irritated, Shorty.”

“Can I leave my jeans on?”

I tilted my head, pretending to consider, even though I already knew the answer. “I think you’d better take them off.”

Of course, that was the right answer. I could see the excitement in her deep blue gaze and hear it in her indrawn breath.

“Let’s go,” I said, gesturing with the belt. “I haven’t got all night to beat your fucking tail.”

No, because I planned to spend at least some of tonight’s hours fucking her. Tomorrow’s hours too, because I didn’t have to fly back to New York until Friday morning. She dragged her feet across the room, only slightly more willing than the last time I’d bent her over my suitcase. She undid her flimsy belt—such a joke compared to my nice, sturdy one—and unbuttoned her jeans.

It was hard to wait for her to strip them down herself, because I wanted to rip them off her.

“Leave them halfway down your thighs,” I said, barely clinging to self-control. “That’s enough. Now bend over.”

She was wearing pink panties with black polka dots. Delicious and adorable. Her cheeks were so pale, so unmarked. Time to change that. I gave her a swat—a hard one—and she looked back at me in entreaty.

“It’s been a while for me,” she said. “Please don’t be too mean.”

“A while? You didn’t play while we were apart?”

“I didn’t do anything. It’s been so long…” She arched her hips with a desperate squirm meant to inflame me. It worked.

“Don’t try to distract me,” I scolded. “It’s been a damn long time for me too, thanks to you.”

I gave her a steady barrage of swats, not even concerned about the noise, although, when her whines rose to screeches, I had to remind her to keep her mouth shut. After that, it was all moans and groans, and her butt squirming, and her legs kicking. So, so beautiful. I’d missed this so much.

“Take those panties down,” I said when her ass was nice and pink all over. “It’s time for your real whipping now.”

“My real one?” She reached under her glasses to wipe her eyes and I saw the beginnings of eyeliner smears. Good girl, coming prepared for a lengthy crying session. She reached back to scoot down her panties, and I helped tug them past her thighs.

“Keep those toes on the floor,” I warned. “And no noise, because I don’t want hotel security showing up for our scene. Bury your face in the bed if you have to.”

“Can I take off my glasses?”


I wanted the glasses on, and the clothes off, but first, I had to deal her enough punishment to assuage her guilt and regrets, and put us both at ease. I spanked her ass with the belt until she sobbed into the bed, and then I went just a little longer, because she wasn’t quite there yet. I knew when shewasthere, because she finally stopped resisting and went limp.

I rubbed her red ass, admiring her pain tolerance, then pushed her jeans all the way down her legs, tugging them off. She made a soft, horny sound that made my cock throb. I wanted her. I needed her, now.