Page 19 of Deep Control

“I can’t,” I said, pushing away from him. “I just can’t.”

“Jesus Christ.” The sharp tone of his voice belied the gentle way he’d held me. “You stubborn little fuck.”

Chapter Eight: Devin

Itold Ellait was okay if she didn’t want to come. I was still leaving. I was willing to fly back at some point to get her if she needed my help, but she seemed determinednotto need my help.

Fine. I understood about wanting space, about preserving independence.

Still, I had to leave, because I had a job and responsibilities in New York, and I missed the comforts of home. I pushed all thoughts from my mind and focused on duty, a useful holdover from my military years. I made it as far as packing and riding to the airport before I admitted to myself that I couldn’t leave without her.

Damn her and her flight phobia.

Fort and Juliet arrived just before boarding, fresh off a sightseeing trip around Ponta Delgada. “Where’s Dr. Ella?” Fort asked when he saw me.

“Not here.” I moved over on the padded bench to make room for them. “She says she can’t get on another plane. Not yet.”

“That’s unfortunate. Can they charter another flight?”

“I don’t think it’ll matter.”

Juliet touched my arm. “How are you feeling, Dev? Mostly recuperated?”

I did a self-check. Had I recuperated? I wasn’t sure. My mind was full of two things…flying and Ella. I met their concerned gazes with a frown. “I can’t leave either,” I said after a moment. “I mean, I’m fine about flying, honestly, but I guess I have to stay.”

Juliet and Fort exchanged a look. “Did she ask you to stay?” said Fort.

I laughed, a sharp, bitter growl. “No. She told me to go.”

Juliet stood, adjusting her bow-trimmed knee socks. “I’m going to pick up a magazine or two before we get on the plane. You guys want anything?”

“No, thanks,” I said, as Fort squeezed her hand.

“So this is really happening,” I said to him when Juliet was gone. “Things are working out for you two?”

“Things are fucking awesome,” he replied. “But let’s talk about you and the archgenius.”

“What about her?”

He continued looking at me, the asshole.

“Fine,” I said. “Let’s talk about her.”

“You slept with her, didn’t you? I mean, I’m assuming…”

“Assuming from what?”

“The fact that you never made it to your hotel room, even though we stopped by several times to talk to you. Hey, it’s awesome that you want to stay here with her.”

“I don’t want to stay here with her,” I said, hitting the bench beside me. “But I don’t feel like I can leave, either. I said I’d get her to New York so she could join her freaking study on time-space warps or whatever. She’s all ripped up about almost dying, and I don’t feel like I can just leave, like,see you later. Nice knowing you. Good luck getting off this island.”

The more agitated I got, the more amused Fort was. “She’s good, huh? Really good in bed?”

I let out a breath. “That’s not why I’m staying, and I’m not going to discuss it with you. Anyway, it’s complicated.” I felt bound to protect Ella’s privacy, but at the same time, Fort and I had been friends for years, sharing as many secrets as we shared women. “I didn’t meet Ella for the first time yesterday,” I finally said. “I met her in Pisa, at Via Sofferenza, the night before we left.”

Fort’s lips formed a silent “O.”

“Yeah. And there happened to be this big going-away group scene going on, with Ella as the main course. She’s pretty much kinky as hell.”