Page 8 of Deep Control

“You all seem pretty normal, for being so rich,” I said, forcing a smile.

Juliet snorted. “Fort and Dev aren’t normal. Trust me on this one.”

Her boyfriend grinned at her. “You’re not normal either, Sparkles.”

“Ignore them,” said Devin, touching my hand. “We’re just people. We go to work every day.”

I turned to him, wondering how he could look so big in the already-big first-class seat. “You’re working now, I guess. Escorting me to New York.”

“Someone has to do it. Might as well be me.” His deep, rough chuckle traveled down my body and ended up somewhere between my thighs. This close, he was powerfully attractive. My body remembered. I broke our eye contact, afraid of what he might uncover in my gaze.

Juliet and Fort returned to chatting with one another. Devin asked, “How are you feeling? You seem calmer.”

“I’m okay.” My main concern now was the landing, since, thus far, the fuselage of the plane had remained intact. “So, how long have you been a pilot?” I asked. “Since you joined the Air Force?”

“No.” He thought a moment. “I flew my first plane when I was eight.”


He smiled. “I was with a flight instructor, and my parents. My father wanted me to be comfortable in the air. Now I can fly anywhere I want, anytime I want. Not that you’d enjoy that very much.”

Speaking of what I mightenjoytriggered a fresh wave of embarrassment. He looked at me a little too long, and I was terrified he was going to bring it up, broach the subject of last night’s scene. Crazy, that we’d been at Via Sofferenza less than twenty-four hours ago. Would he bring it up?Please, don’t.

It seemed incredibly important to complete the rest of the journey without touching on enjoyment or pleasure, or the fact that we were both kinky freaks. The lights flickered and dimmed, drawing his attention away from my blush.

“You should try to sleep,” he said. “It makes the flight go faster. I’ll get you some blankets and pillows.”

I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep, but he was already moving, squeezing past me and walking up the aisle to tug open compartments filled with linens. He brought me a large, dark, fleece blanket that was light but warm, and two pillows.

“Are you going to go somewhere else?” I asked, as he moved past me to sit back down. “I mean, if I fall asleep?”

“Somewhere else?”

I could feel my blush deepening. There was something so reassuring in having him near, because he was a pilot. As soon as he left my side, I felt less safe. “Would you…please…” I bit my lip. “I think I could sleep, since I didn’t sleep much last night, but will you stay right here, in case…”

His gaze held mine, until my face was aflame. “If you want me here, I’ll stay here. Not that anything’s going to happen. Go on, close your eyes.”

I obeyed, because he had a rough, firm Dom voice that he used all the time. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel his presence beside me like a gravitational force. As I drifted, hurtling through the air at frightening speeds, I heard him take out his laptop. Fort and Juliet talked quietly from time to time, and the flight attendants chatted in the seats behind us. Everything was okay. I fell asleep to the sound of rushing air and Devin’s typing.

Minutes passed, or hours. I was jolted awake with a sense of disorientation as the cockpit door was flung open, hitting the wall. There were beeps and alarms sounding within, and the older captain’s hoarse voice shouting, “Kincaid! We need you. Now.”

Chapter Four: Devin

As soon asRoss yelled, Ella startled awake. She was instantly afraid. What the hell was he thinking?

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I told her. “One of them probably has to go to the bathroom. Too much Italian food. I’ll go see what they need.”

“Okay,” she said, clutching her blanket closer around her.

“I’ll be right back. Try to get some sleep.”

Fort glanced at me as I moved up the aisle. I tilted my head toward Ella in a silent request for him to help her if necessary.

I hoped it wouldn’t be necessary.

I entered the cockpit and scanned the instrument panel, finding a baffling barrage of issues. The oil pressure indicator blinked, the fuel imbalance alarm was chiming, and engine one was apparently almost out of fuel.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked, tapping the fuel display. “This can’t be accurate. Computer error?”