Page 39 of Deep Control

“You could have had titties if you went to Bratislava,” I said, pushing him away. “They have the busiest dungeon in Europe.”

“You wouldn’t go with me, and I hate to prowl alone. Show me the damn picture. Is it Kellie? She’s hot as fuck.”

“No, it’s my scientist.” I handed him the phone. “Sorry, no nudity. She won’t do photos or videos for me.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“She’s smarter than the other ones, I guess.”

He gave me a look. “You’re into this one, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “We’ve hooked up a few times. She’s fun to hang out with, and she has a high pain tolerance. She fuckinglovespain.”

“She has a nice neck,” Milo said, looking at her photo. “You bringing her to The Gallery tomorrow?”

“Yeah, she’s going to love it.” I took my phone back. “She must have just gotten her uniform. She’ll probably sleep in it tonight.”

“What’s her name again?”

I had this weird impulse to sayDr. Ella Novatny. I was proud to have found her, because she was so intelligent, so gravitationally wise, and she had those black-rimmed glasses. I’d make her wear them at The Gallery, since blindfolds weren’t allowed. “Her name’s Ella,” I said. “She’s different from other subs I’ve played with, in a good way.”

“You going to let me have a turn with her?”

“Sure. She’s just your type.”

“Good. So she’s not a pain pussy, like Juliet?”

“She’s no Juliet. Although Fort fucking loves Juliet, so I wouldn’t call her a pussy in front of him.”

Milo rolled his eyes. “Yeah, they’re cute together. Honestly, I didn’t peg her as the girl who’d turn him.”

“‘Turn him?’ Turn him into what?”

“Amonogamist,” he replied, in a tone someone might have used for “serial killer” or “rapist.” Milo Fierro’s negative views on exclusive relationships were well known. “Fort never should have brought Juliet to The Gallery if he didn’t want to share her.”

“He wanted to share her,” I pointed out. “He just…couldn’t.”

I wouldn’t be like that with Ella. She was too kinky and highly sexed to keep to myself, and the truth was, she’d go wild for the pain The Gallery’s Doms would heap on her. “You should definitely work her over tomorrow,” I told Milo. “Once I’m done with her, of course. She’s going to love you.”

I tried to ignore the needling stab of jealousy those words brought as I texted back to Ella:

The collar looks good on you. We’re going to have fun tomorrow night.

Chapter Seventeen: Ella

Ihad myuniform on when he arrived, along with a coat.

Well, obviously a coat. I wasn’t going to stroll out of my apartment in my sex gear. And it was sex gear, one hundred percent. When I’d put on everything together—the bra, garter belt, stockings, stilettos, and collar—I’d looked super slutty and, well, super available, but that was okay. I completed the look with sex-siren makeup, dark lipstick and contour, as well as the non-waterproof mascara Devin insisted I wear.For trails of black misery on my cheeks?I’d texted him.

Fuck yes, he’d texted back.

I wanted to cry for him tonight. It didn’t come naturally to me. I made sobbing sounds during most scenes, but real tears rarely came.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, hugging me close as soon as I opened my door. He looked amazing in his dark suit, the Dominant of my fantasies. His fingers moved over my thin coat to locate the garter belt straps underneath. He followed them down to my ass and squeezed my cheeks really hard. I teetered on my heels, because they were higher than I was used to. “Where are your glasses?” he asked.

“I don’t have to wear them. I mean, I can mostly see. Things are a little fuzzy, but—”

“You’re wearing them.” He came into my apartment and looked around to see where I’d left them. “I’ve developed a goddamned glasses fetish, thanks to you. Get them on your face. Did you put on the mascara?”