Page 2 of Dark Control

“She’s cute,” Milo joked, “but you’re not supposed to fuck the drunk ones.”

I scowled at him. “We need to help her.” I lowered my voice. “She’s one of us. See her collar?”

“I doubt she’s one of us,” said Devin. “I’m sure she belongs in there.” He pointed to Underworld’s crowded courtyard. “Just lead her back inside.”

I had a feeling this woman’s situation was more complex. “Who are you with?” I asked again. “Do you have a way home? Do you have money? Identification?”

She patted her pockets, reached over her shoulder for a ghostly bag that was no longer there. She turned to look on the ground behind her. Jesus, had some lowlife already stolen her shit?

I thought about what to do. Call the police? With no ID and little ability to speak, she’d probably end up in the drunk tank. Should I take her into Underworld to try to find the person she’d come with?

“Did you come here with someone?” I asked, brushing my fingertip over her collar. “Do you have a Dominant? A Master somewhere inside there?”

She burst into tears again. “He’s bad. I hate him.”


She didn’t answer, or couldn’t answer. She was distraught. Her eyes were pools of pain.

“Did someone hurt you?” I checked over her skimpy dress for signs of a struggle.

“Really?” Dev said. “You’re going to play therapist?”

“Shut the fuck up and look at her. She’s a mess. Something might have happened to her. What if she’s been drugged?”

“What if she took drugs? What if she’s a junkie?”

“She’s drunk, not high,” I snapped.

She slid down the building and wrapped her arms around her knees. Her shoulders shook with sobs.

Milo sighed. “What do you plan to do, man? Drop her off at a hospital?”

“No,” said Devin. “They’ll turn her over to the police.”

“I have to go home,” she sobbed, squinting up at us. From this angle, I could see how blue her eyes were. “Have to…get there.”

“Home? Where’s your home?” asked Milo.

“Blackwall. Please.”

“The Blackwell.” Milo turned and punched my shoulder. “You live in the Blackwell, Fort. She’s all yours. Take her home.”

“Do you live in the Blackwell?” I asked, kneeling beside her.

She nodded. Okay. Fuck. I tried to catch her wavering gaze. “Hey, listen, Jewels. Do you want me to take you home? I live in the Blackwell, too.”

She nodded, poking the front of my suit jacket. “Blackwall.”

“Jesus, you’re fucked up.” I turned to my friends. “Are you going to come with us?”

“Dude.” Milo held up his hands. “You’re the one that got a fucking hard-on to help her. You take her home.”

“Come on. Dev?”

“Nope. Sorry, man. Allie just texted me.” Dev held up his phone, showing a stream of messages littered with emojis. “She’s invited us to hang out at her place tonight.”

Allie. Damn it. One of those masochistic, cowering subs I’d been craving for days. I stood and turned to Milo, but he was looking at his phone, thumbing through Allie’s messages. In his head, he was probably already rigging her to her personal bondage rack. Meanwhile, “Jewels” continued to sob at my feet.