“How’s it goin, Leer?”
I’m barely out of my truck in the station parking lot. I don’t flinch, but I’m still caught off guard by Marvin’s voice.
“Hey, good, man,” I turn to nod at the lieutenant. “Uh, sir.”
He chuckles. “Taking some getting used to for me, too.”
Marvin was just a regular badge like me until about a month ago when he got promoted. With the tit-for-tat bullshit that usually goes on in this place, that would usually mean he’s in Chief Millbrook’s pocket. But Marvin’s promotion might actually be one of those justly-earned ones. He’s straight as an arrow, and does it all by the book.
“Got any plans?”
I frown. “For?”
“Valentine’s Day, brother!”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah, no.”
He chuckles. “No? C’mon man, big guy like you?”
“I’m not seeing anyone,” I grunt. I haven’t seen anyone in fucking years. I got burned by women long ago, and I haven’t had a single inkling to play with fire ever since.
“So get on Tinder, man!”
“I’m fine,” I growl. But I’m not. I’ve got Cora simmering in my fucking brain. I’ve got the taste of her mouth forever etched onto my lips.
“Hey, listen,” Marvin plows right along, oblivious to my thoughts. “Chief wanted you to pop in to his office when you got in.”
I frown. Damn, I knew coming back here was a mistake. I’ve already done the paperwork for tonight. But after going back to Tanner’s place and seeing what I saw? It was this or getting wrecked in a bar. Work seemed more productive.
“Actually I was going to go over some of the Kenner estate forensics from tonight.”
“Oh, fuck, I can’t believe I didn’t lead with that. That’s some crazy shit, Bishop. You okay, man?”
“Yeah, it was fine.”
“Five guys?” He shakes his head. “Oorah Marines, huh?”
I smile. “You know it.”
“Well listen, that’s what Chief wants to see you about.”
I stiffen. “Oh?”
There’s a lot about everything that’s happened that doesn’t make sense. First and foremost of course is the video I’ve watched of Chief Millbrook executing a guy next to the liaison for one of the most violent cartels in California. Not to mention setting up a massive drug deal with that same cartel.
“Yeah, just details I think. You know Millbrook. Just wants to make sure the T’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted.”
“It’s two in the morning.”
Marvin shrugs. “Yeah, I was surprised to see him in here too. But I guess it’s not every day we’ve got a cartel shootout going down.”
“Thankfully,” I grunt. “Alright, well I’ll head up there now.”
“Glad you’re okay, Bishop.”