Page 7 of Always Hers

He groans, and I feel his cock swell. But he shakes his head. “No, angel, I—I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” I whisper. “You could never hurt me.”

He growls, and I cry out in pleasure when he slams into me. “Oh God, Carter!” He can tell from my voice how much I love it, and he snarls and does it again. His muscled hips thrust against mine, his big dick plunging deep inside of my dripping wet pussy. He thrusts harder, and deeper, as I kiss him eagerly. My legs tighten and draw him back into me, my body craving his thickness.

Carter grabs my hips, and suddenly, he starts to fuck me with furious passion—he fucks me right into the bed with his big dick. I cry out in pleasure, and my nails drag down his muscled arms. His mouth kisses down my neck until he sucks a nipple between his lips. I whimper for him, and my hips rise to meet his thrusts.

“This pretty pussy is so tight around my big cock, angel,” he grunts. “You’re so fucking tight, and I can feel you trying to make me come, baby.”

I moan and kiss him hard. I’m not trying, but I could accuse him of the same thing. His dick touches me in all the right places inside, and my clit grinds into him with every thrust. He’s practically got me clawing the walls, and I know it won’t be long before he makes me come so hard—harder than I’ve ever come before.

“Shit, baby girl,” he groans. “You want to make me come in you? You want to take all of my come right out of my balls into this tight little pussy?”

I start to lose control. I moan and thrash under him, and my hips push up to meet every one of his thrusts. I’m delirious with the pleasure. I’m only aware of his arms around me, his lips kissing all over my tits and my neck, and his thick cock pushing so deep in me. We rock faster and grind together harder, and my orgasm explodes through me.

“Come for my cock, Aurora. Come all fucking over that dick so that I can fill you up with my come and make you all fucking mine. You want my come?Take itfrom me, baby girl.”

He thrusts into me, fucking me hard and fast. My control shatters, and I cry out loud, clinging to him as my climax washes over me. The orgasm wracks me and takes my breath away. His lips are there, kissing me and drinking down my moans. His thick cock pulses deep in me, then I can feel it. I can feel his come spilling into my bare pussy.

I moan and cling to Carter. He pushes his big dick so deep, and I feel him pulsing and throbbing. His hot seed pumps against my womb again and again. His lips find mine, and he kisses me as he rocks deep inside of me. He slides out and strokes his big, slick cock. More come spills from his swollen crown to drip all over my pussy and my thighs. He kisses me again, and I wrap my arms around him tightly as we sink into the sheets.

“I’ve wanted that for forever,” I whisper.

“And now you’re going to have me, forever,” he growls. I kiss him slowly and he gathers me in his arms, so tight and safe.



Seeingher sprawled on my bed, messy with my come, is the best sight I’ve ever seen. It’s better than even seeing my first glimpse of freedom after breaking out of the Brotherhood’s compound. She looks so sultry and sexy, and yet so innocent too. There’s a part of me that wants to go to the roof and yell to the whole damn city that she’s mine. And that’s what she is: mine. Now, and forever.

I wrap her in my arms and kiss her neck. She grins and kisses me back, and my heart swells. She was worth the wait. She was worth all of it.

“I think you made a mess of me,” she giggles. She looks down and slides her hands over her belly. Her fingers push through the white streaks of come on her pussy and thighs, and she gasps quietly. Watching her push my come across her skin has my cock staying rock hard, too. And I’m hungry for more.

“I think I did,” I growl. “And I think I’m going to make so many more messes of you.” She blushes and looks at me coyly. “Let me clean you up though, for now.” I scoop her into my arms. Aurora wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her into the huge bathroom and set her down on the edge of the large, sunken marble tub.

“Carter, this place…” she arches her brows and looks around, taking in the huge and kingly bathroom. “I can’t believe this is yours!”

I grin. “I almost can’t either. It’s all so new, having money like this.”

“You know, Luke started an investment firm.”

“So I’ve seen,” I smile. “I was thinking about letting him take a huge chunk of what I have and making it work. But I also have other plans.”

She grins. “Lavish houses? Fancy cars?” She looks around the bathroom again. “All-white marble bathrooms the size of my entire apartment?” She giggles.

“Well, yeah, that. Obviously,” I chuckle. “But also doing something to help. Maybe make the world a little safer and rid it of people like the Jihad Brotherhood. I mean groups like that… it wasn’t even a religion versus religion thing, or different political views. They were a terror mercenary group who would hire themselves out to the highest bidder. They’d pretend they were operating as freedom fighters or hardline religious doctrines, but they weren’t. They were just killing innocent people for money. I want to do something to stop assholes like that.”

“Still the quarterback, I see,” she smiles.

I chuckle. “Maybe, yeah. But at long last, I finally got the girl.”

“I wasn’t the head cheerleader, though.”

I grin. “I never even noticed the head cheerleader. I was too busy looking for you in the stands.” The hot water fills the tub with sudsy bubbles, and I pull her into me. I kiss her slowly, taking my time to taste every inch of her lips. When the tub fills, I help her in and slide in behind her. She lays back against my firm chest, and my arms circle her.

I reach for a cup on the side of the tub and slowly wet her hair. The shampoo is next, and Aurora purrs contentedly. “Oh my God, the service here,” she giggles. “You better watch out. I could get pretty used to this.”