Page 40 of Absent Feeling

Amberhadn’t seen the full case file on what he’d done, but she knew at least thebasics of the murder that he’d committed from Ms. Dern.

“DidDr. Banks have anything to do with your treatment?” Simon asked.

“Him?”The fury on Avery’s face only seemed to be growing. “Him and that protégé ofhis, Werdly, made things worse for me at every turn. Without them, I would havebeen out years ago!”

Themore he said, the more it seemed like he was the best possible suspect for themurders. He had an obvious motive and an obvious level of anger that might havespilled out onto everyone involved. He seemed ready to lash out at any moment.

“Pleasesit down, Mr. Avery,” Simon said, starting to stand. “We need to ask you morequestions. We need to ask you about your movements over the last few nights.”

“Why?”Avery demanded. He glared at Simon with suspicion now.

“Haven’tyou seen the news?” Amber asked. It seemed impossible that someone could livein Guisborough and not know what was going on.

“Idon’t watch the news. It’s all lies anyway.”

“Threepeople have been murdered,” Simon said. “Stabbed to death. A Rorschach imagewas left near each of their bodies. So, where were you the last three nights?”

“No,”Avery said. “No, not again. It’s not happening again. I’m not going back tothat place!”

Ambershould have seen the transition from anger to something more than that, but shewas far too late. Chris Avery was already flinging himself forward, swingingone heavy fist towards Simon.

Itseemed to catch him by surprise, the blow striking Simon on the jaw, sendinghim staggering for a couple of steps. Avery moved to follow up, and Amberjumped in then, determined to back Simon up.

Averywhirled towards her, throwing a couple of punches that looked as though theymight have knocked her flat if they’d connected properly. Amber covered up,trying to remember her training as she forced her way closer, trying to get toa place where she could hit with knees and elbows.

Averyshoved her back, though, hard enough that Amber slammed into his coffee table,tripping over it, and sprawling to the floor.

“I’llkill you!” Avery snarled. “I’ll kill you both!”

Thereseemed to be a kind of berserk fury in him as he charged forward at Amber, hissize and strength terrifying as he stood over her, ready to rain down punches.Amber kicked up at him, but it did nothing to create the space she needed tostand up. One of Avery’s fists slammed into the floor near her head, missingAmber by inches.

Simonwas there then, grabbing Avery and pulling him back by his arms. Simon had theadvantage of being behind the other man, but even so, Avery was strong enoughto throw him off, flinging him back into the nearest wall. Avery chargedforward into Simon, hitting him like a linebacker, the two of them slamminginto the wall with a sickening thud.

Theystarted to trade blows then, and it was obvious that while Avery had a strengthadvantage, it was Simon who had the edge in skill. He was able to cover upagainst the worst of the blows that the other man threw, using his elbows todefend his ribs and his hands to protect his head. At the same time, he threwshort uppercuts into Avery’s ribs, obviously trying to create enough space thathe could get off the wall.

Amberstruggled to her feet, determined to help. She grabbed for one of Avery’s arms.With the strength difference between them it was all that she could manage, butit was enough to let her pull him away from Simon for a moment.

Amberinstantly regretted it as Avery hit her in the stomach, hard enough that Amberdoubled over, collapsing to the floor, trying hard not to throw up. In theseconds that bought him, Avery ran for the door to the living room.

Washe trying to escape? Amber forced herself to her feet, determined to chaseafter him, but she realized as Avery ran deeper into the house that he wasn’ttrying to get away; he was trying to get to something.

Amberand Simon followed, only a step or two behind. When Avery reached the kitchen,Amber realized what Avery was doing; he was trying to get to a weapon.

Evenas Amber realized it, Avery grabbed for a knife.Thistime, there was noambiguity about it. His hand closed around the handle of a large kitchen knife,something that looked wickedly sharp.

Amberwas still coming forward, and she realized that she had no choice. She latchedonto Avery’s arm with both hands, hanging her full weight from it, trying tostop him from bringing the knife to bear.

Simonwas there just a second after her, hitting Avery hard, slamming punches intohis jaw that rocked him, then dragging him down to the ground. Even then, Averybucked, trying to get his arm free. It was all Amber could do to hold onto it,but she knew that if she let go even for a moment, Avery would use that chanceto stab either her or Simon.

Ittook everything the two of them had to wrestle Avery over onto his stomach.Amber wrenched at his arm, desperately trying to get him to drop the knife, butit took both her and Simon to finally pry it from his grasp. They pulledAvery’s arms behind his back, and even as Simon cuffed him, he was still tryingto fight his way free, still trying to find a way to hurt them.

“ChrisAvery,” Simon said, “you’re under arrest.”


Amberclung to Chris Avery for dear life as she and Simon marched him into theGuisborough PD. Even now, he was trying to lash out, forcing her to dodge akick and to block a headbutt.

“Haveyou caught the killer, Agents?” one of the reporters outside the precinctcalled out.