Thetwo of them stood there in front of the door and, to Amber, the seconds seemedto stretch out. There wasn’t any sign of someone coming to answer the door, andthat only made Amber think about the possibility that Aymes might be trying torun. She found herself remembering the fire escape, and listening out for anysounds that might be someone opening a window or heading out onto the metalsurface of the fire escape. She couldn’t hear anything, but maybe that justmeant that the door was too thick.
Amberfound herself considering that door. “Do you think we should break it down?”
Shehad no doubt that Simon could do it if he tried. One kick and he would probablyshatter the wood around the lock, letting them both into the apartment. EvenAmber might be able to do it. In fact, she took a step back, consideringexactly where to stomp to achieve the maximum effect.
“Amber,we’re here to talk to this guy, not to break his door down,” Simon said. “Notunless he gives us a reason to.”
Hehammered his fist against the door again, calling out louder this time. “Mr.Aymes! This is the FBI! Open the door!”
Amberheard the sound of footsteps now, but they weren’t running away. Instead, theyapproached the door. It opened, revealing a woman in her late twenties withdark hair and striking, strong features. She was wearing jeans and a dark sweater.
“What’sall this about?” she demanded. “Why is the FBI banging on my door?”
“We’relooking for Matthew Aymes,” Simon said, holding up his badge. “We need to talkto him urgently.”
“I’mSara Aymes. This is my apartment. Why do you want to talk to my brother?” Shefolded her arms as she said it, blocking the doorway as if to make it clearthat they weren’t going to get past her without a good reason.
“It’sabout his time at the Guisborough Wellness Institute,” Simon said.
Thatdidn’t do anything to make Sara Aymes step aside. If anything, she seemed moredetermined to keep Amber and Simon out of the apartment.
“Mybrother is doing everything he can to put that behind him. I don’t want to makeit any harder for him.” There was a stony determination there that had no givein it.
Avoice came from behind her, though, a man’s voice, slightly tired but even and calm,nonetheless.
“It’sall right, Sara, I’ll talk to them.”
Theman who came forward had to be Matthew Aymes. He looked a lot like his sister, averageheight and dark haired, with angular features and high cheekbones. His darkhair hung almost shoulder length, as if he might hide behind it.
Amberhad expected someone wild looking and aggressive, or frightened and ready torun. He looked nervous, but he seemed more in control of himself than Ambermight have expected.
“Areyou sure?” Sara Aymes asked. “They can’t just barge in and make you talk tothem.”
“Butwe’re going to invite them in,” Matthew Aymes said. “Whatever this is, it willbe all right.”
Heseemed much more … together than Amber might have expected given his condition,especially if he was off his meds and killing people.
“Comein, both of you,” Matthew said. He gestured for Amber and Simon to step insidethe apartment. That was enough to get his sister to step back to let theminside, although she glared at both of them as they did so as if daring them todo anything that might hurt her brother.
Theinterior of the apartment was decorated in soothing pastel blues, with elegantmodern furniture and relatively little clutter, or maybe that was just incomparison to Amber’s place. Certainly, though, the whole place looked neat andcared for. Matthew Aymes gestured for Amber and Simon to sit in a couple ofchairs, then took a third for himself. Sara Aymes stayed standing.
“Whydo you want to talk to me?” Matthew asked, leaning forward slightly in hisseat.
“Haveyou seen the news, Matthew?” Simon asked. “Two people are dead. We’reinvestigating those deaths.”
“Youmean Raymond Werdly,” Matthew said. “The doctor who put me in … that place.”
Forthe first time, there was a sense of pain there in his voice.
“Himand David Banks,” Amber said.
Matthewlooked slightly surprised and then nodded. “Yes, how did you know that?”
Simonanswered. “His wife is the other person who has been killed.”
Ambersaw Sara take a half step forward. “And you think that my brother had somethingto do with it? Why? Because he was ill before?”
Simondidn’t back down, though. “The two victims were stabbed. Matthew, you were sentto the Guisborough Wellness Institute because you stabbed three people. Isn’tthat correct?”